mannn! fucking man!!!! awesome way to start this new year...
white new years for the guys in this room.
- anuar
- wally
- ceasar
- tim
- silvio
- paula
- cocaine
- juan
- phillies
- marijane! (always present)
man. we got a new brother! DLB.
i didn't get to spank him =*(
he's kool.
"get ready for the AK"
"fuck that nigguh.. spark that shit" - wally
i'm pretty worried about this new year thing. -_-
crazy. every year. is just the same. different number.
only unity changes. i love my bros..
and we're still going.
wally's fucking kool too. ;)
this night has been pretty fucking good. no one till this point is reading this shit.
so i get to talk more shit. about more nothing. something.
i wonder what happen to twiggy?? he just disappeared.