It's kind of depressing when I don't post anything for months at a time and when I do, nobody really seems to give a fuck.
Not that I really need LJ or the internet as any sort of validation, it's still just sort of...depressing.
Probably more so because I don't see a lot of you very often.
Or just because not having internet right now makes it really exciting to be able to get online and do shit, then my excitement is lost when I remember how fucking lame it is.
Everyone just wants to bitch about their own problems or whatever and not really pay too much attention to what anyone else has to say.
Not that I really ever have anything that I deem sooo important as to have to type on LJ...
Just basically. . .
When I get word of the imminent robot invasion in which anyone who isn't slaughtered in the first wave becomes slaves of the robots...
And I warn you all...
Don't complain because you didn't bother to read it.
Not that you'll be able to complain when your body is incinerated by laz0rs.