Apr 12, 2006 00:12
College is a bitch sometimes. My biology professor didn't grade our exams. He also moved my huge presentation from next Tuesday to this Thursday. As if studying for my huge chemistry test isn't going to consume my life this week. Damn. I was in such a bad mood walking back from lab today... My emotions were just all over the place, angry and depressed and completely stressed out. Then I took a nap and had a dream where I got married to a willowy blonde woman, and this big white Alsatian dog brought the rings to the altar, and I was crying uncontrollably.
I've never been good at taking naps. I should equilibrate myself before going to sleep, I think.
But I had a weekend that was too fantastic for words. Grey's Anatomy marathons + Pablo + getting our applications approved for the new apartment + long walks in the park + yummy sex = I *heart* Steve.
Amanda!!!! I'm sending you something. In the real mail. :-D