TITLE: Sparks
DISCLAIMER: I don't own GG.
SHIP: Nate + Jenny of Gossip Girl
SUMMARY: I'm really bad with summaries. Basically, this is a multi-chaptered fic that will map out what I think NJ's storyline should be like in season three.
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The first thing I want to comment on is how NJ started and ended on a boat. I love that and I think that if it was a conscious choice on your part, that it was brilliant. I think the sailing thing fits perfectly with NJ because they have this whimsical, floating type of relationship. Their relationship also has always had a sort of ethereal/celestial feel to it. Which is why I loved the inclusion of stars.I really love both of these symbols for NJ. They were perfect choices.
You really know how to write well. You use a lot of literary elements such as imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing and you weave them seamless throughout the story. It doesn't seem forced. Your writing is also really descriptive and it's something I loved about this story all the way through. You really know how to paint a scene. And you really know how to describe exactly what a character is thinking if this very effortless kind of way. One of the most important things about writing and this is something that makes you a good writer is "showing" rather than "telling." You do that so well.
When I first heard you were killing Vanessa I was afraid. I wasn't sure I liked the idea of it because I hate deaths of any kind in stories because I tend to really get into a story. When I get into a story with tragedy, it sometimes gets in my head a little too much. However, I think you handled the death in such a poetic, tragic way that I understood why it was necessary. The NJ that we get at the end of this story is unlike one I could have ever imagined. Their relationship takes on a whole new dimension and depth. I also thought their goodbye scene at the funeral was so tragically, heartbreakingly beautiful that I kinda wanted to rip my heart out while reading it.
I really liked the use of Scott. At first I kind of wanted them to be romantic because I wanted Nate jealous. But, you wound up being able to accomplish that without making JS romantic and I wound up liking that better. It was less cliche. I also really did enjoy them as friends. Before I read that it was Vanessa who died I thought it might be Scott. I think that would have been interesting as well. But, Vanessa was ultimately the better choice because she was closer to both N&J and affected them both.
I would also like to comment on the second to last chapter. I wish Jenny hadn't run to Hudson. I wish she would have stayed and really dealt with her pain and faced what she couldn't face when it was Vanessa. I understand why she ran though. I liked that Jenny finally said all the things she couldn't say all year. I'm also glad that Ann gave Jenny the letter.
Another thing, your portrayal of Jenny as ice was unbelievable. I could really picture her like that and I kind of wish we could see that on the show cause Taylor would act her ass off. The way you wrote her was awesome. I wish I could describe this better but all I can really say is I loved it.
Lastly, I think you should write another fic! I'd love a sequel to this so we can see more happy NJ. :)I think there's still a lot of story here. I really do.
i really hope that's why there were so few reviews for the last one, because i think the last chapter was the chapter i had looked forward to the entire time. whenever i'd think about sparks while planning the story my mind would drift to that scene in particular. to me it was the most passionate scene to write.
I feel the same about their relationship. Ever since that first kiss at midnight it's had a storybook sort of unreal feeling to it, and I love that. I really wanted to capture that dreamlike aspect of who Nate and Jenny are. I actually didn't have an epilogue in mind until about two chapters ago when people suggested it, so it's all thanks to them that there is one. I'm glad they did because it felt like the best way to wrap up the story.
Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I put too much description but I can't really read a story without it. When I write I have to be able to illustrate the scene not only for the reader's mind but for myself so that everything flows more easily.
The thing is, for some reason tragedies and angst are my forte. I'm not very good with fluff. When I first got the idea of killing Vanessa I wanted to make it humorous and have her fall off the Eiffel Tower or something because we all hate her. Of course it didn't end up that way though. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who wanted JS! I felt like there could have been something there. I guess he's the Jacob to her Bella. Even though I hate Twilight that's all I can think of. But I felt that if they got in a relationship things would just be tainted - if I write a sequel though Scott will still be there and will probably still have a big role because I like what I've written him out to be.
Thank you so much D!
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