Nov 03, 2010 08:51
i just had one of those "reflect on old livejournal entries" sessions and dear sweet lord buddha jah.
what a difference a year makes!! my mind is blown by this fact, again.
also, i'm a total idiot.
okay, not really, but wowowow i feel really weird reading all these weird things i used to think when now i'm either totally past that or have filled whatever dumb void with a little knowledge. but i guess i must still be okay because at least some of you people like me. still, hello encyclopedia dramatica.
i turned 25 a couple of days ago. that feels weird.
it's just funny because of where i assumed i'd be at this point, when i was a kid. i'm not mad about it though, finally! i've reached the point of acceptance when it comes to life's progression & all that jazz. and anytime i feel silly for a split second or someone's trying to make me/themselves feel guilty for not being done with school or having some steady career-related job or whatever it is everyone's "supposed to be doing," i think about the (many, many) folks i know who graduated with their BA who are still working the same jobs i'm working. (thanks, crap economy for assisting my journey of self-worth!) -OR- i think about the (many, many) folks with said degree under their belts who are still somehow dumber than the entire cast of jersey shore. frankly, i'd rather have the little culture and wisdom i do than a piece of embossed paper. unless it's glossy, you know-- i'm a sucker for shiny shit.
also, i had the most enlightening, raging summer of my life. that was kind of fucking cool.
so far, anyway. i'll probably think i'm real dumb around this time next year.
but no-- i think my brain has been doing some serious sparkage this year. which is clearly obvious because of the really interesting sentence structure and extended vocabulary i have. shut up. next year, i might have some fancier paragraphs for you but right now this is what i'm delivering.
anyway, i did the kind of cool things that i'd been dreaming of doing since almost the beginning of my lj days. after my summer of awesome missouri festival goodness last year, i decided this year would be the time for the bigger ones. i had ideas of doing more vagabond type traveling, but i probably talked about that far too much for me to actually follow up with it. i'm working on keeping my mouth shut when it comes to personal goals so that i actually go through with them. this is progress.
get to the point, rachel.
i went to the national rainbow gathering in july. then i went to burning man at the end of august.
both of these were so large and incredible that i'll have to dedicate another entry for them, but let's just say that it was everything i'd ever hoped for and more. INSERT ADDITIONAL CLICHES. whatever, it's true. both of those events singlehandedly restored faith in humans (not that i had lost it, but still) and the idea that i've got absolutely nothing to worry about -- there are tons of weirdos just like me all over the place!! i've got some pictures from burning man on my tumblr & facebook, if you're interested enough to ask.
i did lose a "friend" on that latter trip, but it was worth the gain of many, many more. and in regards to that, hey- if you can't make it over bump in the road with somebody, you clearly weren't too close of a match to begin with. this i'm learning, anyway.
as for monotonous things, i've been going to school still, part time. hating it again though almost full time, but i try to throw in a creative course each semester to make me not drop out. it's half-working. right now the only decent course is african drum ensemble, which i actually have tonight. the teacher's from sierra leone and he's also a babe and an awesome fucking drummer of course. i'm pretty sure he thinks most of us are fools though. whatever- he's too short for me anyway. (that's a lie.)
work is off-again off-again. i've been doing the promotions thing here and there. it's funny, i'd been wondering how i even got into the shit i'm doing & realized it started with all that petty bullshit modeling i was interested in, probably inspired by theresa and other girls who like being pretty, according to the internet. not that all modeling is complete bullshit, just... mostly. but i'll stop there because then i'll start talking about what's art and what isn't and that conversation wouldn't make sense anyway because who am i? a ruhtard. right. um okay. i just need a real fucking job again. i recently quit a place i'd been working since february because everything that went on over there was a hot ass mess and no one ever knew what they were doing. buttttt i didn't have a backup-- i just sort of left for burning man (which was on the other side of the country, so it was almost a month long road trip) and opted to deal with it when i got back. well, now i'm back and it's a lame spot to be in. i think i must get this from my father. hahahaha, let me just push that blame over that way to make it easier, kthx.
more words soon, because you care. hahaha
man, i wish more people used livejournal again because i really enjoyed all of you. my attention span might have shortened too much for it now in the days of status updates. which, don't get me wrong, i fucking love twitter (so so much), but you know... obviously i still feel the desire to come here to lj land every once & again. it feels like an old highschool bestie that will always understand me. AWW HOW CUTE. or something. actually one of (out of many of) my favorite aspects of twitter is that i found a bunch of rad folks from lj over there & we all reconnected.
so if you do all the twittery tumbling time-suck social networking stuff, you should let me knowww so i can stalk you once again!!
love love love