I went to the animal adoption center Tuesday and spoke with a volunteer. She doesn't think that Benry is molting because it looks nothing like when her rabbit molts. She did mention that it could be a skin condition, which rabbits can get. We talked at length about what to do and such and in the end she gave me a Have a Heart Trap to see if I cold get Benry in and at least take him to the vet to see what's wrong with him. I set it up that night while he and Smoke Monster were outside, but no luck. I did it again last night and actually saw Benry go right up to the trap and eat the food that I'd placed just outside. He sniffed the caging and whatnot and even put his head inside, but I guess it was still too much for him and he didn't go in all the way.
As I was leaving for work this morning, I saw Smoke Monster hanging outside - alone. I've seen Benry by himself countless times, but Smoke is ALWAYS with him, so I was initially a little worried. Smoke Monster was just sitting there not moving, so I went over to him and he didn't budge. I leant down to pet him, which he didn't have a problem with, and just moved down a bit further and picked him up. He didn't struggle or anything. I took him inside, set up the cage and now he's a member of our family. He seems to be doing fine, though I will need to get him a bigger cage. I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow to get him checked out, and while I'm still not 100% sure, I'm betting he is a he. I tried looking but a tail covered the main area, but there are two rather large... ahem... masses on the sides so yeah. I'm going with boy. *grin*
Maggie finds him a curiosity; Roxie doesn't seem to care. He's very sweet and lets me hold him without any problems, but he does get a little antsy after a while.
So that's the happy news!
I haven't seen Benry today. I'm a little worried. Mainly because of finding Smoke Monster alone, I'm worried that something has happened to Benry. Perhaps Smoke's compliance this morning was a result of shock? I'm not sure. I definitely want to find out, though.
Other than that I have been on a cleaning spree since having to disinfect the bathroom liek woah!!1 I'm clearing out a lot from my room, preparing it so that when I get
my new tv stand I'll be able to get it all in order. Income tax should be in next week, and I am FINALLY getting myself a nice new television. I'm grateful for the (free!) one I have, but it's definitely getting to that point.
I'm also getting a new piercing (a
forward pinna) and new tat (
Deathly Hallows symbol).