info meme

Oct 12, 2008 11:35

Full Character Name: Sora

Rank/Title (if applicable): Keyblade Master/Keybearer

Canon (indicate anime, manga, game version if there are distinctions): Kingdom Hearts ( game canon, post-KH2 )

Setting of Origin (country, year, planet name, descriptive, flowery language goes here if unknown specifically, approximate to our time): ... Uh. KH-verse?! \(o_o)/ To be more specific, a bunch of Disney "worlds" along with some islands and random cities and kingdoms. I'm not even going to try to come up with what the relative time period is. Stupid alternate universes. D8

Typical Style of dress (pics are awesome):

Anything for aura readers/reiatsu users/sixth sense folks to pick up: Uhh. Well, Sora can use magic, and if you can sense that he has a ~*magical Keyblade*~, then go for it?!

Jusenkyo (spring) curse? Nope!

Other typical status changes, island-borne or canon: Sora's clothes enable him to execute Drive Forms--though he can't use most of them here on Island, a detailed list can be found here.

What will incite emo? His friends betraying and/or leaving him.

... Rage? People threatening his friends.

... NO U response? ... People threatening him?!

How do they see the Island, in a symbolic, metaphorical sense: WELL. At first, Sora was pretty indifferent towards the Island, but now he truly considers it his home, especially after the period of time he wasn't on it. He's made so many friends, and Riku and Kairi AND Roxas are here, which is a huge plus! He does miss being able to visit the other worlds, but the Island is a huge adventure in itself, and he has a feeling more people'll show up someday, which is something to look forward to.
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