Jul 28, 2008 15:39
takes place just after Harvey Dent joins the DA's office
"A man who never graduated from school might steal from a freight car. But a man who attends college and graduates as a lawyer might steal the whole railroad."
-Teddy Roosevelt.
Harvey Dent has won.
He's won and it's largely in part to his cross and the fact that the guy was unabashedly guilty. He was so guilty he could taste it, and the taste of victory was still in his mouth as he walked out of the coutroom, not stopping to make sure that his second chair was following.
The kid had come up from LA where it was all flash and no substance. Where being a lawyer was half law and half PT Barnum. He was good, but he was arrogant and-
And you should leave judgement to judges He barely knew the guy. Probably what prompted him to invite him out for drinks.
They are in the parking lot walking toward the Wayne Train when out of the growing darkness someone yells-
"You both are dead do you hear me?! Ronnie was a good fucking cop! You're dead!"
Something sails out of the darkness to land at their feet. Brown and foul smelling, Harvey's mind refuses to let him speculate any further.
A few passerby stop and stare as Dent freezes, looking to Will, "...you all right?"
everyday is halloween [verse],
a taste for the theatrical [verse]