Jan 13, 2005 11:06

I am sitting in Mary Gates Hall wasting time although I should be studying
Cause i got out of Chem lab early
gah my TA sucks
he doesn't care that our experiment results are crap
and that they were only crap becuase he was dumb and made them crap
i wanted to yell at him today...
"if you don't care about our lab...then please do not touch our MACHINE!"
what a jerk face
TA;s that just dont care in general should just not be TA's
i was all excited about lab...but he killed the excitment
killed the dream...(wow cheesy)

this week has been pretty uneventful
I enjoy the people I live with more and more
that is a good thing
especially when i no longer have a roomate
although it was definately I who had a problem not her

So I was talking to my dad on the phone the other night
and i told him that one of my goals after college is to be able to read and understand his dissertation
his response..."why do you want to read that? No one undrstands that stuff...I don't even understand it.."
He said that i could try and read his master's Thesis..
cause I was saying that i wanted to read his thing so that I would be able to see if college was a big waste of money or not
my dad is one of the smartest persons that i know...
and then i told him how i wanted to get a chem minor while i was at the UW cause it is only a few more chem classes
his response.."do you have to take physical chemistry? it is really you think you can handle it? you don't HAVE to get a chem minor if you feel like p.chem is too hard"
haha my father is halarious and i love him to death
things have changed so much so that he doesn't seem angry if i fail...
in his words..."if the first time it doesn't work out...just take the class again...a 3.0 GPA in college is great.,..."

anyhow...time to go to class soon
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