(no subject)

Jan 03, 2006 15:54

how can meeting up with people you havent seen in forrreverrr be just the same as when you knew them so well. those kinda people that you meet and it turns out you guys get along perfectly. and you know them well but not real well. theres still room to grow and stuff ? well then one day you just kinda stop talking to them. kinda just by accident maybe, or by schedule. or one goes on vacation and when the other comes back the relationship is kinda like dead. well i guess i just got in contact with one of those people. its a guy i had a thing with for not too long. but i knew him well enough to say he was a pretty damn cool guy, not well enough to get sad about after i stopped talking to him. & now out of no where he wants to see me again. maybe its cause im a bit older and before it was very very illegal. not our relationship, but i guess it would be if we took it farther and farther. or maybe he wants to see if i've matured. or maybe he just wants what alot of pussyfacedmen want, which is nothing more than a hoeishhook up.
WELL whatever his reason is for wanting to see me again, to be honest, im a bit scared. not of him, of course. of the kind of atmosphere it will be. and im not talking about awkward sliences. like what if we've both changed alot sense we've met and we turn out to totally not enojoy eachothers company. i guess thats the worst that could happen, in which we'd just continue not seeing eachother anymore.
By "seeing" eachother, i dont mean dating, i mean hanging out. literally seeing the person. okay ?
i suppose there would be alot to talk about. more than a year of stuff. but it when gets to be that long the stories kinda loose touch and yakno. & then there is that rare possibility i'll end up having this amazing time and seeing him over and over again and falling in love with him and boy im taking this too far.
ANYWAY. it's just been bugging me.
& i really wanna do some puzzles. gosh. doesnt anyone wanna do puzzles with me. nfdsakl. oh pooh-pooh.
well school started again. and i cant sit still in class. in econ i found my self air licking jack higgins profile view. then he told me i was annoying so i stopped. and now hes never getting a ride from me.
in journalism today me and diana went crazy with our interviews and had a huge rambling rage about my blood party & then julie jensen left so we started to rap and shelby got furiously mad at us. HAHA.
& chrildren in my spanish class, in paticular the ones that sit in front, are dumb as hell and i'd enjoy it if i could skin them and make a coat out of their dirty flesh. &&&& 4th hour can suck it.

christ damn it my room is so comfortable. i love this. i am typing by moniter and candle light. trehehe
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