May 20, 2007 14:30
im back in action.
i completely just remembered my LJ and spent like an hour on a slow computer getting my password emailed to me cuz i fucking forgot it. well ANYWAYZ (with a 'z' cuz im fucking cool like that)
I still live with my mom, despite the numerous times i moved out to live with brian and at bobby's. im back home now (again).
i've gone straight edge for real because i found some better people.
i now manage a band called high school heroes and yes the name sounds lame but they are seriously some hard ass working gents.
the bandmembers have made their way straight to my heart and are now my closest friends.
James is the guitar/vocals/keyboard and he is my bro4life yo. in fact, im at his house eating his food and using his computer [THATS LOVE]
Derrick is drums... well he is.... my friend. my wrestling partner. a jew. someone to fight with. someone to love. my lil drummer boy. my love. my geo buddy. my partner to walk home in the rain with. my prom date. my post prom date. he is.... simply amazing. ive never been happier around someone in my life... even when im mad at him. he makes my day. he ruins my day. he fixes my day. he makes me laugh like no one can. i know exactly what he's saying even if he doesn't say a word. he is everything. he's my sunshine. my rain. my tears. my smile. the warm cozy feeling in my stomach. he is everything.
bobby is bass. well bobby is a crazy fucker who is never boring to be around.. ever.
ive never been happier being sober and have never had such amazing moral support like i get from these boys.
and they're band ROCKS. (they are #2 on my myspace, GO LISTEN!!)
idk what else to say i miss my g-folk but idk if i am moving back... these boys mean alot to me. this job means alot to me..... idk.