this is my journal, icon post if i want to.

Jan 26, 2013 14:27

(very misleading gif folks, no indication that it's going to lead to the worstest scene ever.)

Hello I love everyone in this bar

So I hadn't made an icon post in very long and I keep making icons and not posting them -- which must be in contention for some sort of world record for The Most Futile Activity Of All Times -- so I was all like: I MUST POST. So here we are. I'm usually very conventional with coloring but I tried not to be? D: Bewarned, randomest fandom grouping of all times and they're pretty much all -ve space because who am I. I cannot believe I made Boy Meets World (who are we kidding; Cory/Shawn) icons. What is my life even. BEST SHOW OF ALL TIMES BTW, AND I'VE SEEN ALL OF IT NOW \o/. Also, I know everyone has brand new friends now because of the friending memes (which I totally didn't participate in at all because I suck at keeping up as it is D:) but also, *insert Breakfast Club Theme Song*--- which is don't you forget about me for the uninitiated.) MY METAPHORS ARE VERY METAPHORICAL SOMETIMES.



[72 icons] categories: suits / the good wife / emma watson / audrey hepburn / buffy the vampire slayer /
 angel: the series/ the vampire diaries / once upon a time / boy meets world

suits | glee | emma watson | audrey hepburn


audrey hepburn | the good wife | angel


angel | buffy the vampire slayer 


| buffy the vampire slayer |


buffy the vampire slayer  | once upon a time


| once upon a time |


| once upon a time |


once upon a time | the vampire diaries |


| the vampire diaries |


| the vampire diaries |


the vampire diaries | boy meets world


| boy meets world |


| alternates |




+ Please comment and credit if taking. + Please do not hotlink.
+ If you want to edit for personal use, like exposure or color or something, go ahead!

freud probably has a theory on it, fandom: boy meets world, john hughes didn't pen your life story, machiavelli was not machiavellian, patron saint of doomed ships, rec: videos, icon make puns, darwin married his first cousin, icons: the vampire diaries, the brat pack is my legit angsty bff, icons: buffy the vampire slayer, in soviet russia post tags you, icons: boy meets world, icons: suits, icons: angel the series, jesus am i actually shipping this?, icons, this show broke me trufax, icons: once upon a time, icons: the good wife, macdonald just sound right, what. even., what even is my life?

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