Two exams down \o/, and miles to go before I sleep :|So, I was reading this fic and it just struck me I was relating to Damon a LOT differently than I usually do. So I literally just paused reading, because I couldn’t figure out what was different since he was definitely in character and his dialogue and description was completely Damon (it even
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I kind of want to talk some more about POVs, only I feel bad that I'm distracting you from schoolwork! Not to mention that I kind of have a descriptive grammar final tomorrow, and I really should study...
Plz notice the number of troll!faces this boy can fit in the space of five seconds:
I kind of want to talk some more about POVs, only I feel bad that I'm distracting you from schoolwork! Not to mention that I kind of have a descriptive grammar final tomorrow, and I really should study...
I had an exam today and three days to go for the next, so I'm definitely in full on 'distracted' mode. But omg, final tomo sucks, you should probably go D: BEST OF LUCK, BB <3
I hope everything went well today! Good luck for the next one!
Yeah, I will pick up my notes in a minute... But, guess what! I have my Practical English final on Monday, which means that I should spend the entire weekend practicing English! WHAT A TERRIBLE CHORE!
unf. I find this ridic hot for some reason.
Thank you so much; I actually have no idea how they're going, mostly just hoping they're okay :s And thanks so much!
THAT SUCKS D: But you're amazing at the language in general, I can't imagine you've to study it a lot or anything :O
Probably because it IS hot.
LOL, I actually barely passed the grammar/vocabulary part XD. But on Monday I have speaking, so, basically, I just have to charm my teachers with my fluency ;). So I'm gonna spend the weekend doing things on lj, watching Lost and maybe listening to audiobooks if I feel adventurous ;).
Oh, grammar sucks in general. I am absolutely terrible at it. :s Which is ridiculous because I've spent so much of my time doing literary analysis, and you'd THINK that I'd need to have a good vocabulary and decent grammar skills for it, but alas. D:
Ooh, but 'speaking' sounds good, especially if it involves watching LOST!!
I'm trying to NOT be watching s2 now. You are not helping!
ETA: Also, literary analysis doesn't help with textbook grammar. Nothing helps with textbook grammar. I kind of want to steal my grammar test and post it on lj, just to see how all the native speakers can't do it either.
TBH, I only started watching the show because I saw a video on them, and I always want all the incest. But then LOST turned out to be so so much more <333
Also, I completely agree; idk why, but if I self-consciously start THINKING about grammatical structure, I always mess up. And when they have 4 closely similar sentences to pick the correct construction, I always get confused, even though I could've written the sentence correctly myself if there were no options :s
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