The Vampire Diaries: Metanarratives and the Effects of Framing in the Process of Interpretation

Apr 29, 2012 05:24

This arose from a discussion that wheatear, cranmers, and ishi_chan had on the previous 3x20 (non) reaction post, and also many other discussions on the same topic, that I just found fascinating and wanted to contribute to, and then it just turned into this horrifying thing and I cannot even with my life anymore. /fml (But then again, I’m doing a paper on text and the ( Read more... )

ship: stefan/elena, character: caroline forbes, in soviet russia post tags you, post: this is about women, why the world should end in 2012, discussion: the vampire diaries, character: stefan salvatore, meta: the vampire diaries, post: meta, character: elena gilbert, let's pretend i didn't write this, ship: damon/elena, fandom: the vampire diaries, why the world shouldn't end in 2012, character: damon salvatore

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bellonablack April 29 2012, 16:37:55 UTC
My reaction was just the...I think there are all sorts of framing issues in all of it. I'd even say there are some people who think Damon was made legit by the show when he shoved his wrist in Elena's mouth but I think they are reaching. But I know the Jeremy thing was framed badly but not as BADLY as this was. At least someone said they thought they were a bad person during it ( ... )


youcallitwinter April 29 2012, 17:23:51 UTC
I'd even say there are some people who think Damon was made legit by the show when he shoved his wrist in Elena's mouth

Oh god, that's totally true! Although I'd suggest that was more their interpretation than that the show actually catered to it. Although what it DID later cater to was the Damon-as-a-hero angle in the scene where he tells Stefan that he'll be the one to keep Elena safe, even if she hates him for it, which was used to validate his actions. :s

And I think you're ABSOLUTELY RIGHT with your analysis. That is precisely what I've been feeling all season as well. And while there have been a couple of brilliant episodes, there've also been a whole lot more of really annoying, pointless episodes.

Someone could start your house on fire and try to kill you in the buring house and you survive and you're best friends with them the next episode, without much mention to any burning down house. And that--is ....interesting. I never got that. It's that vibe of puzzle pieces. One scene is neglected in the emotional dealings.TA ( ... )


Annie Wilkes says it bellonablack April 29 2012, 19:13:21 UTC
goldenusagi April 29 2012, 21:06:46 UTC
Also odd is how no one is worried that Klaus has taken an interest in Caroline?

THIS. Everyone is all, OH NOES, ELENA IS INTERSEST IN DAMON, but has no one cared that the alleged Big Bad is after Caroline? If Elena needs a talking to about Staying Away From Damon, I think Caroline should get a About Staying Away From Klaus. HA, can you imagine? "Caroline, Klaus has feelings for you. What are you going to do about it? I saw you dancing with him. There were definitely looks going on."


waltzmatildah April 30 2012, 05:54:03 UTC
I wasn't going to have any more things to say about this show and then you went and wrote freaking meta! HAHA!!

Also odd is how no one is worried that Klaus has taken an interest in Caroline?

But that's just it... I don't think it's odd at all!! I think it's completely canon that no-one seems to care Klaus has a thing for Caroline. Because Caroline is not Elena, and therefore she is expendable for the greater good (the greater good being the safety of Damon/Stefan primarily). Which is not a theme the writers would ever admit to, I don't think, and it's DEFINITELY not something Elena herself would admit to, but I think it's completely in keeping with this show's characterisation of Elena to date.

Klaus having a thing for Caroline is A Good Thing, because it's something that can be manipulated and used in order to ensure the safety of Elena's actual Most Important People; ie. the attractive males that show a romantic interest in her. Elena choosing the well-being of Damon/Stefan/Elijah etc over well, basically everyone else, is ( ... )


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