"you're the Slayer, and we're, like, the Slayerettes!"

Dec 17, 2011 00:00

Firstly, upupa_epops deserves all the awards for being incredibly awesome; THANK YOU FOR YOU-KNOW-WHAT :DD Also, everyone should read her Damon/Elena meta because it's the most fantastically accurate thing I have ever read /trufax.



And I was like ‘ALL THE THOUGHTS’ and then I realized, who am I kidding, I’m the only person in the world watching this right now and nobody needs my first season thoughts when they all have seven season worth of thoughts. SO YOU GET ICONS INSTEAD. However, I have to say a couple of things because I'm easy like that /other vampire show reference.

- I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS BRONZE. /topical reference. But I am genuinely surprised by how much I like all the characters. All of them. Usually I choose my favorites and the people who can get eaten, but I literally love everyone on this show and care about them, ‘tis odd D:

- Buffy gets hit really hard with a lot of horrific things and it makes me wince each time because I’m so not used to seeing female characters being thrown around like that, but it’s also awesome that they didn’t dilute those parts of the fights.

- I was SO CREEPED OUT by the Hyena episode. I’d sort of been LOL-ing at the faces of the vampires (and the Maaaaaaaster), but then Hyenas ate the Principal and that part was just so terrifying for some reason.  D:

- I adore Willow madly.

- Buffy characters fit ‘types’ so well and they don’t seem clichéd at all? I don’t know how this is, except that the show seems so aware of the stereotypes it’s using that I can only imagine they’re being invoked to break them later. Nerdy Best Friend. Goofy Other Best Friend. The Epic Hero. (Hey, look, the original trio even before Harry Potter!) The Mean Girl. Hot Mysterious Guy. The Very British Professor. Except that all of these are deliberate constructions; like I said earlier, Angel is literally the Hot Mysterious Guy, that’s not what the show’s showing us, that’s how the show sees him itself, how the characters see him, if that makes sense.

- HAHAHA, ANGEL IS STEFAN ISN’T HE? (Or, I suppose, Stefan/Ripper is Angel/Angelus technically since BtVS came first :D) And if Damon is anyone on this show atm, it's Darla, heh.

- Speaking of TVD; I’d thought Alaric was inappropriate; GILES WHAT EVEN IS YOUR LIFE? I love how he totally spends all day literally locked in the library with Buffy and no1 curr. And I love Giles unhealthily much, his complete inability to react in socially appropriate ways just makes me want to hug him. I also ship him with all of his students #no regrets.

- Willow/Xander is SO ADORABLE. And of course he wants Buffy /pets. Also, the Hyena episode showed how easily he could’ve been the Popular School Jock Guy instead  because he has the looks for it and everything, and just needed that attitude, so I’m so insanely glad he is the way he is. I love how the show shows us all these alternates to who the characters could have been and aren’t and it just makes me <3____<3

- I LOVE THAT BUFFY IS SO INCREDIBLY AWESOME. That her biggest problem with being the Savior of the World is that it messes with her social life and she totally goes “I quit” when she realizes she might die. I think she’s so deliciously a teenager, I’d almost forgotten what they were like. I love that she’s totally crushing on Angel (although his love for her is totally inexplicable, didn’t they, like, meet two days ago? Shouldn’t he know better after having spent better part of his existence undead?) and everything because he’s hot.


- This show is obviously incredibly intelligent because their quantum mechanical models and philosophical arguments coupled with theological myths just make it fascinating. It's not a bunch of stuff happening inexplicably, there are reasons provided and there are ways of combat deriving from the source. And I find that fascinating, because they're obviously going to develop on this, and they're doing a good job of incorporating all this through Giles while Buffy's like "huh". I LOVE THIS SHOW, OKAY.

- I think every person on this show is insanely hot. I don’t even know why D: At this point, I’m willing to see all the action between any two individuals on this show. :s

- OKAY, SEASON TWO NOW, AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE HEARD ABOUT IT, I CANNOT EVEN WAIT. Although I should, I have so much work and no willpower, goddammit.

[45] Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
[52] Game of Thrones Season One
[55] The Vampire Diaries Season Three




































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icons: golden trio, freud probably has a theory on it, character: willow rosenberg, character: cordelia chase, i may be love's bitch, discussion: buffy the vampire slayer, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, why the world shouldn't end in 2012, fandom: game of thrones, icons: with text, character: xander harris, jesus am i actually shipping this?, character: rupert giles, fangirling as a day job, icons, fandom: harry potter, character: buffy summers, damon's house is cleaner than yours, icons: harry potter, fandom: the vampire diaries, i love everyone in this bar

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