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Comments 132

ishi_chan October 23 2011, 14:26:35 UTC

IKR!?!?!? In S1 they didn't interest me at all, in S2 I thought they were cute but didn't interest me in the slightest and ever since S3 I SHIP THEM SO HARD!!!

Was I the only one who ships Katherine/Michael? I thought they had some amazing chemistry going on and I refuse to believe he killed her (he's just nibbling on her for a bit).


youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 18:01:57 UTC
I KNOW!!! The thing is I watched the series till 2x11 in like a week, so none of my opinions changed while watching it; I barely paid any attention to Stefan or his scenes with Elena. In fact I started watching FOR D/E since I only first saw anything of this show through a YouTube D/E video I accidentally came across and thought they were pretty I'm shallow, yes. But now even on rewatching a couple of S1 scenes, Stefan is sort of adorable, and I'm REALLY enjoying S/E right now!

Hahahahaha, OMG, THIS SHOW REALLY MAKES US SHIP EVERYONE/EVERYONE. I could get down with a little nibbling with those two, heh :D


ishi_chan October 23 2011, 18:12:25 UTC
When I started watching I already knew it wasn't because either S/E or D/E because I despise triangles (I'm still not sure why I started watching in the first place since the show made it pretty clear with the promo pictures that it was centered around a triangle.) But S/E has been so wonderfully painfully tragic this season I can't resist that :D

Oh and I'm still convinced Damon telling Caroline to get a new boyfriend was some sort of D/C moment xD


youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 19:21:18 UTC
Haha, I'm always conflicted about watching triangles because I always feel SO BAD for the one who gets the lesser affection from the love interest (and there usually HAS to be one), and I always ship whatever's not actually happening. Man, I'm doomed to be ~foreveralone in my shipping. I actually do adore S/E SO MUCH this season!

Haha, you too? I was so mad at the Tyler/Klaus siring thing because I'm all like "oh, riiiiiight, show us this now. WHERE WERE DAMON/CAROLINE'S DADDY ISSUES, YOU BASTARDS?"


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youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 18:08:00 UTC
Haha, I'm glad you think so? Considering this is what I'm doing, instead of, y'know, getting a college education. AND CAPS LOCK AND ME IS MY REAL LIFE OTP, NGL.

Also, I really appreciate that you ship both sides of the triangle.

I was pretty biased on the ship angle (specifically towards D/E) when I started watching this show, but now I've just sort of started shipping everyone who enters this morally degenerate bar, heh. I have issues with the D/E representation occasionally, but they have such FANTASTIC scenes a lot of times that I do love seeing them together :D


arabian October 23 2011, 16:16:24 UTC
Okay, they changed the beginning recap thing?

They've actually changed it almost every episode so far this season. I was bummed simply because the premiere one was SO D/E heavy. Ah well.

Re: Stefan's eyes dilating -- Elena's eyes didn't dilate when Damon compelled her to forget his declaration of love, so it's not necessary, I suppose.



I youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 18:37:55 UTC
They've actually changed it almost every episode so far this season.

Man, I totally didn't notice this, you're absolutely right here! I just remember Katherine's "does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar" part.

Re: Stefan's eyes dilating -- Elena's eyes didn't dilate when Damon compelled her to forget his declaration of love, so it's not necessary, I suppose.

Heh, I know, which is why I said “Okay, actually nobody’s eyes dilate while they’re being compelled. BUT WHAT, THAT’S MY DENIAL AND I’M STICKING TO IT.”

How she's all fine with working with Matt and his witch stuff, but not Jeremy and his witch stuff. It just doesn't jibe with Bonnie's character. But then Matt isn’t her boyfriend here of course. And this is the same character who rejected Caroline because she basically got killed and tried to set Damon on fire when he’d only done what she asked him to. So not exactly the best responses. But I don’t think the jealousy is out of line even now, esp considering she knows that he’s been seeing his dead girlfriends ( ... )


II youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 18:38:41 UTC
Though, I know read there was supposed to be a scene where Elena did confront him -- chopping room floor, I suppose.

I KEPT WAITING FOR THAT SCENE BECAUSE I’D READ ABOUT IT TOO. And then it just never happened and I was genuinely disappointed. I try not to think of that arc too much D:

They both made it perfectly clear what they were feeling without it being bald-faced or done so with games.

Those scenes are legit my favorite. This is also why the first episode D/E of this season worked so well for me, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. His expression at Elena’s “I am happy” was just so heartbreaking. That’s literally all he wants- for her to be happy. And that scene made it obvious without having to spell it out or have him say something like “I’d do anything for you” (which also they’re capable of doing). GUH, THAT SCENE.

Bonnie's a 17-year old human girl, a witch, true, but still human and still a teenager. Elena's reasoning made perfect sense to me.Heh, for me it’s just a really obvious plot device (although I ( ... )


wheatear October 23 2011, 16:26:15 UTC
All your thoughts are A+. I love your enthusiasm. ♥ Also, yes to everything ever you said about HOUSEKEEPER!DAMON; he is my favourite.


HAHA, YES. Love it. His role is literally to distract the antagonist with his ~seductive charm~.


youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 19:01:45 UTC
Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculously into this episode. I think I just enjoyed everyone basically being bitchy to each other and acting like high school kids on crack.

Also, yes to everything ever you said about HOUSEKEEPER!DAMON; he is my favourite.

I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HOUSEKEEPER!DAMON. You remember when we were discussing this once? With him fixing the clock and everything? I genuinely thought it was a hilarious thing that we'd picked up as a fandom. BUT THIS IS TOTALLY CANON.

His role is literally to distract the antagonist with his ~seductive charm~.

IKR? Elena picks up stakes and takes fighting lessons, Alaric is a certified cockblocker vampire hunter. And Damon's part in the Capture Ripper Stefan! plan is to lick his fingers seductively. MAN, I LOVE THIS SHOW.


wheatear October 23 2011, 19:05:13 UTC
You remember when we were discussing this once? With him fixing the clock and everything? I genuinely thought it was a hilarious thing that we'd picked up as a fandom. BUT THIS IS TOTALLY CANON.

I do! And I've always said that it's canon. XD

And Damon's part in the Capture Ripper Stefan! plan is to lick his fingers seductively.

Looool. And he fails miserably, not for the first time. (Jules, Gloria.)


youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 19:28:24 UTC
You were absolutely right!! He just needs to keep fixing clocks and freaking about blood forever basically :D

And he fails miserably, not for the first time.



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youcallitwinter October 23 2011, 19:16:48 UTC
I JUST NOTICED THAT, heh. I've actually had Katherine's voice from the recap stuck in my head :D

LOL, housekeeper Damon is the best thing ever.

Hahaha, I know, right? I mean FOUR references in one episode? THIS IS TOTALLY A THING. I can imagine him being all "okay, so now you think you're 'bad' enough to get away with getting BLOOD ALL OVER MY CARPET STEFAN? WHAT IF I REFUSE TO WASH IT, HUH? LET'S SEE HOW YOU BADASS YOU ARE WHEN YOU HAVE TO GET PAST A BLOODSTAINED CARPET EVERYDAY TO GET TO YOUR ROOM."

(And then he'd wash it of course, because, seriously, bloodstains on the Persian rug? Only a prehistoric monster would be able to ignore that).

Oh, I can bet Elena did get hated on; after all it's 'her fault' that Damon's like this now. But really, that's what they're saying? This is why I stay out. Although I do enjoy all these arguments with my popcorn. *nods*


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