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youcallitwinter October 21 2011, 12:27:51 UTC
Show has been unflinching about its vampires manipulating and controlling people's thoughts, emotions, and actions - as well as always retaining the ability to overcome humans physically. It's a very hard task to get past all that without becoming incredibly problematic. I've liked where they're going with it so far.

Oh, exactly!! It’s like, yes, they love her and they’d do anything for her, but the possibility that things might change someday still remains. I never pay close attention whenever someone on this show uses the words ‘never’, ‘forever’ or ‘always’, because if their life experiences haven’t taught them yet that forever is TOTALLY relative and subjective, then they haven’t learned anything at all. Like, I’m not going to go crazy over Damon’s “I will never leave you again” or Stefan’s “I will always protect you” to Caroline, because they can’t. And I like that, it shouldn’t BE about the guys being there for the girls, but about the girls being able to handle themselves. That’s always a good message to take from a show whose target audience is teenage girls.

I can't help but smile whenever Caroline does. It's such a pure, joyful expression.

WORD ON CAROLINE. But seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone smile that wide :DD She looks so genuinely happy (as does Elena in the two moments that the show gives her to smile :s) Honestly, she’s possibly the only one out of the cast who makes you feel like she really is seventeen <333

It's a major let-down for me that they backed down and went with the status quo on this metaphor. It's just more of the same in romantic storytelling tropes. I will deal with it, but I'm very disillusioned with Stefan's whole arc, and with the writers. I trusted them to do better by Stefan, and do better by their storytelling.

OH, ABSOLUTELY. And as lots of people have told me, it’s not like it’s not been done, it HAS been done and it CAN be done. And killing lots of people, I mean, they’re still dead, right? Regardless of compulsion, regardless of anything else, they still lost their lives. And the show NEEDS to bring that out. It shouldn’t be about love saving people (and neither should this arc be used to fuel D/E) or whatever. By now I’m sort of convinced Stefan is acting (FOR NO REASON, WHATSOEVER, I JUST PLACE TOO MUCH FAITH IN THE WRITERS AND THEN THEY GIVE ME DAMON/ANDIE D:) his heart out. This switch business is dicey anyway; it’s just so much a plot device because no one really knows how it works.

JACKASS!STEFAN FTW THOUGH. I love how he’s season one Damon, and I totally want to go with the ‘faking it’ theory. (HEY, MAYBE THAT’S ALREADY BEEN SAID IN THIS EPISODE WHICH I HAVEN’T SEEN. Stupid time differences DDD:)

MY REVIEW LOVES YOU TOO. But not as much as me. Back off, review.


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