[fic] this is a song of innocence lost

May 04, 2011 02:04

a song of innocence lost
community | jeff/annie
r | 800 | oneshot
she carefully avoids stupid, disney terms like make love.

He was wrong, you know, when he said that thing about her being as selfish as he is.

(she's just as good at it.)


“I want you to have sex with me.”

She carefully avoids disney terms like make love because, she’s Annie Edison, talking to Jeff Winger and she’s not stupid.

But there’s still this moment when he’s just looking at her and she thinks she’s going to say something about how she’s just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her. Which is so, so stupid that she’s going to have to spend the rest of her life pretending she didn’t just think it.

He laughs, of course, and walks away.

She doesn’t follow, he’ll be back.


It’s thirteen minutes and twenty three seconds. She wasn’t counting, okay, she’s just…really good at math.

“So, is this some sort of late starting teen rebellion thing? The ‘I’m going to sleep with the first available older man to show my parents how badly they screwed me over’ phase of a John Hughes movie?”

She shrugs her shoulders in a gesture she stole from Britta, and he likes Britta, he’s been sleeping with her all year, so he should like it.

“something like that.”


There are only two things to know about Annie Edison, and nobody’s bothered to know either.


“I’m not going to de-virginify you. That’s a strict ‘no’ in the World Handbook on Bachelorhood And How To Keep It: Deluxe Edition.”

“I’m not a virgin.”

“The gay guy counts?”

She smiles then, all wide eyes and nineteen-year-old charm, “not if you don’t want him to.”


All she’s learnt about heartbreak she learnt from a broken heart, so really, when you look at it, she’s had a better teacher than most.


“You’re trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson”.

“Is it working?” but she’s blushing and she’s trying not to and it’s still Annie under the layers.

At home it’s her face on every magazine he’s ever kept under his bed, and yeah, it’s working


See, the thing is, now that he’s thought it, he can’t unthink it.


“Why not Troy?”

Because Troy never said that every moment that ever happened between them didn’t actually happen. But, whatever.

“Mom won’t get the full extent of how messed up I am.” which is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


She's poetry in his mind. He's always been bad at the high school 'analyze this excerpt' questions.


And then he's at her door, because. Because he never went to law school. And that’s just as good an excuse as any.

“Don’t you have central heating or something?”

“Didn’t evolution teach you any other way of keeping warm?”

He enters the tenth circle of hell.


She stripteases for him, and he knows she’s been watching ‘Girl Next Door’ too many times, and he’s been to too many strip-clubs to not spot inexperience when it dances naked in front of him.

His cock doesn’t know the difference.


It's her sweater, the nail on the chair she throws it on, and tears she tries to hide.

“I just, I loved this. And my dad gifted it to me for graduation, because he was so sure I’d do well and then, and then I didn't even graduate and it's…”

She's a half-naked siren song and fully the girl with the Disney face.

He sighs.

(the number one thing you didn’t know about Jeff Winger)

“Yellow thread. Not too bright. And number 22 needles.”


She sits by him in her underwear, fascinated. And it’s thoroughly distracting.

He pricks his finger, she sucks on it.

(He also pricks it on purpose, but whatever).


She flinches the first time he touches her, and then pretends it never happened.

He stops, “not the reality you wanted?”

“Do we really have to take off all our clothes?”

His head’s in his hands and in every way she’s imagined this, she's never imagined him laughing.

“It’s not funny,” indignantly.

He slows down, “no, it’s not.” It’s a little sad, a little painful, a little tragic and a little something he can’t define, but it’s not funny.


“You can try seducing me again tomorrow.” He can’t do this with torn sweaters and cold rooms and the girl who follows the yellow brick road.

“and what if the world ends tonight?”

He’s looks at her, just as she smiles; the wide, bright, Annie smile.

Then he's down on his knees in front of her, it's the start of a new religion.


(This is the way the world ends: not with a bang but the sound of his name scraping the back of her throat.)


disclaimed: community, john hughes, notting hill, the girl next door, the hollow men, the graphic

fanfiction, character: annie edison, ship: jeff/annie, what. even., fandom: community, fanfiction: community, character: jeff winger

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