i don't think we're in kansas anymore

Jun 02, 2013 11:17

who's a bandwagon-jumper? me! me!

I am kind of confused by what this is, but it involves writing fic, as far as I can tell? After making the shiny masterlist, I am mostly cringing at half the stuff on the aforementioned shiny masterlist, but I am a masochist, why do think I love Logan. okay, so.

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the brat pack is my legit angsty bff, in soviet russia post tags you, freud probably has a theory on it, how even do i tag this, i may be love's bitch, fanfiction, so this is a thing that happened, patron saint of doomed ships, follow the yellow brick road, friendship is the best ship, i can haz fic?, i love everyone in this bar

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Comments 110

fluffyfrolicker June 2 2013, 19:26:36 UTC
stefan/caroline or klaus/caroline

I have realised
the moon did not have to be full for us to love it.


in despite of | tvd | stefan/caroline | 1/2 youcallitwinter June 2 2013, 21:45:54 UTC
This totally doesn't fit in with what the prompt demands (glorious angst!) sorry?

in despite of | stefan/caroline | breaking rules 1-100 of the girl code.

So, she kind of does that thing where she falls in love with her best friend’s ex.

And, um, oops?


Girl Code Rules Number 1-100: Thou shalt not fall in love with thy bff’s ex boyfriend.

Clause 45: Especially if he once threatened to throw her off a bridge and then left her to drown.

“That’s not a real thing,” Bonnie says, laughing. Beautiful Bonnie, Catty Caroline, Eternal Elena.

Except Bonnie doesn’t say, because Bonnie is dead. But Bonnie totally would’ve said it if she hadn’t been.

“It’s a thing,” Caroline says, out loud, to Bonnie. Which makes her insane in the eyes of the people watching, but dude, she’s a vampire. Insane isn’t even in the rear-view mirror anymore.


“Do you want a cigarette?”

I love you.Stefan looks at her through half-lidded eyes, “since when do you smoke ( ... )


in despite of | tvd | stefan/caroline | 2/2 youcallitwinter June 2 2013, 21:59:27 UTC
The Idiot's Guide To Rules of The Universe: thou shalt not fall in love with thy best friend because did thy not watch My Best Friend's Wedding that one time?

That is the realistic version, Taylor Swift songs about people belonging with other people lie, and this is the universe so it knows what it's saying.


“Are you sure you’re okay?” he’s eyeing her strangely.

“Yes,” she snaps. Being a bitch is in-character, she aced that one English test in tenth grade, she knows this stuff, okay.

He raises his hands in defence, “just asking.”

“Well,” she says, you can stop looking like that, I’m fine, “I love you.”

Wait, that went a little wrong.

“I love you too.” He laughs, and ruffles her hair because she’s an adorable kitten. Bastard.

Do you want a cigarette? “I am in love with you ( ... )


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tenshinrtaiga June 2 2013, 19:36:26 UTC
Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

I'm not really sure how this works... Do I post like its a ficathon? Or are we limited in some way?


youcallitwinter June 2 2013, 19:41:28 UTC
You know I'm just as confused, haha, I'm going to try writing fic and just hope that I'm not dead? DO YOU DIE? ARE WORDS THE WEAPONS? Very mysterious.

(Also, unf, that's a great prompt!)


tenshinrtaiga June 2 2013, 19:48:42 UTC
Thanks, I quite think so too. This is the first chance I've had to prompt it! :)

Ahh, the stumble in the dark and hope you don't hit something method. I know it well.

I think the idea is that you "defeat" the prompts by writing fics... Is it some sort of team thing, because I noticed this on other LJs, or is it something you do individually which a lot of people simply happen to be doing? And how would you die or know you're dead...? Maybe if there are tons more prompts than fic you lose or if there are equal amounts (or near equal) then you have successfully staved off the invasion and won? Or maybe I'm just making crap up and have no idea what I'm saying.


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youcallitwinter June 2 2013, 22:11:20 UTC
Okay, I LOVE that you prompted VM, because lbr, that's all I want to write. But also omg, Sawyer/Juliet, I haven't written them since that one time, should be fun!


crickets June 2 2013, 19:46:01 UTC
the vampire diaries | katherine/stefan, still waiting for the years to cover what we can't erase


youcallitwinter June 8 2013, 20:46:00 UTC
I'm writing you Jack/Claire instead, I hope you don't mind!!


crickets June 8 2013, 23:32:12 UTC
Oh my god! Oh my god! *hyperventilating!*


youcallitwinter June 9 2013, 18:32:05 UTC
Okay, now I'm getting nervous about this fic because it's turning out to be so strange omg, but I hope it works for you!


ishi_chan June 2 2013, 19:47:23 UTC
Sansa/Robb (or Sansa+Robb) - I will go quietly, but I'll stay screaming inside your sleep


to know how men breathe | sansa/robb | 1/1 youcallitwinter June 4 2013, 20:41:57 UTC
i have never so much as thought of this ship before, and i'm hazy on everything canon, so i apologize on both counts! [and for the reposts, ugh]

to know how men breathe
sansa/robb; | got-verse | pre-series
you will be queen someday.

“I will be your queen.”

Robb is polishing his sword, he does not look up.

“You will be queen,” he says, “of a large kingdom somewhere, someday. Your people will write verses to your beauty.”

I will be your queen, she thinks again, but does not say out loud, because she is a lady, and she knows when the gentleman is avoiding her ( ... )


Re: to know how men breathe | sansa/robb | 1/1 cranmers June 5 2013, 09:05:34 UTC
Man that is creeeeeeeepy! xD


Re: to know how men breathe | sansa/robb | 1/1 youcallitwinter June 5 2013, 09:12:17 UTC
a) That icon is gorgeous.

b) Hahaha, the ship or the fic? :P


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