When you mess with wrong kind of people

Aug 05, 2008 08:59

There are two parts of the year I love the most. Summer and christmas time. In the summer everything is so nice. People are not as grumpy as when it's cold outside. They smiler more often. Boys wear nice tight shirts and pants ^^. Everything is more light. Everything looks amazing covered in sun. And then there's christmas. Again, amazing. If we're lucky we get snow in the capital. And even though it turns into slush few days after, white cover really looks amazing on my town. Christmas carols, christmas lights, smell of cookies and special christmas sandwiches on the main square... Just perfect.

And them there are two parts of the year I hate the most. Summer and christmas time. Everything is crowded. Bunch of tourists wondering around taking billions of pictures. Noise, constant noise. And most of all... Pickpockets!

Not that we are famous by that, or that the rate of pickpocketing is higher here than anywhere, but it happens! And it just had to happen to me. Yesterday. I have no idea where. Or how. I just know my wallet went missing, and since I'm hundred percent sure the zipper on my pocket can't really open itself, somebody else did it... (Not to mention it would be silly if i press charges against my zipper in the police station. So I had to find somebody else to blame.) Since I was one hundred percent totally and completely broke, whoever stole it didn't really have any use from it... But... I'm sure everybody has more or less embarrassing things in their wallets. Well, mine were this:
  • 3 year old ID with a picture of me from the middle of puberty (I'm sure the thief thought of it as breathtaking!)
  • Picture of my friend in 9th month of pregnancy (I think she would beat me with a stick if she finds out I have it.)
  • Colorful stickers from gum wrappers (What?! That's a hobby too!)
  • Pressed sugar bags from a coffee shop in Italy
  • Bills, bills, bills that should have been in a trash can loong ago (Not to mention some of them are from underwear store, pharmacy and cosmetics store buying extremely feminine stuff...)
  • Little Snoopy play cards with my name on the background (They say there's a child in every one of us. I'll use that as my defense.)
  • Gummy bear wrappers because I really want that gummy bear calender.
  • Drawing of a duck my friend drew on the back side of his math test. (A duck!!)
  • Gardaland pass.
  • Few colorful tattoos I got in ice cream.
  • City library member card. (Finally something that gives the impression I'm not 10 years old.)
  • Few charge cards with no money on them.
  • Wet tissues for glasses.
  • Awful green color school pass with the picture of me from when I was 14. Niiiice.
  • Picture of my boyfriend (David Boreanaz.)
  • Picture of my real boyfriend because the first one is still vague on going public (But considering gum wrappers, snoopy cards and sugar bags, I'm sure whoever saw it thought Marco was my older brother.)
  • Video store membership card from kids section. (Juuust sinking lower and lower.)
  • Young Croatian Mathematicians membership card. (This one is self explanatory...)
  • And as the icing on the cake... My menstrual cycle calendar. Woo... hoo...

Yes, I have a huge wallet. (Not because of the money... -.-)
It's pink with flowers!
Later on yesterday, somebody called my cell and told me my wallet was found on somebodies window. (Who leaves stolen stuff there?!) I'm just happy all the documents were in. Thanks to whoever stole it for not destroying those! (I blame the ID picture. That would scare James Bond away!)

Damn summer!

Luckily, all the gummy bear wrappers were safely returned.
I REALLY want that calender!
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