Apr 27, 2005 17:17
OK so yesterday was by far the biggest meet of the season, hell of all
my high school career, as said even by the press. "meet of the year to
watch" they called it. Well, it seems that the press of atlantic
city didnt even take its own advice and watch! Please everyone check
out the press today in the high school sports section, and look for the
girls track article. Now, for those of you who don't follow local high
school sports, Mainland and Ocean City have been rivals basically since
the dawn of time. Why? no one may ever know why, but there is a major
wedge between the two schools in allllll sports events. Girl
track, no exception. So for the press to not even mention a little
article about us and instead talk about vine or whoever it was?? thats
freakin rediculous. They may have had Sedberry out, but we had
Huserek out!! Not to cut at sedberry's talent, bc she is an
amazing athlete, no doubt about it, but huserek is so much more
versatile and scores high if not wins all 4 events she participates
in. We have won all but maybe 2 or 3 races in the past 4 years,
all of the losses my freshman year. We don't have any star athlete, we
have like 10 of them. We have more girls winning two events than
most do winning one. We lost to a school from whats only
'technically' a south jersey school at woodbury's due to a jerk of an
official. we're the best damn group 4 schhol in this area.
So the press has some nerve to totally ignore our amazing win.
Courier Post, may you not have to hear from me too.
i love mainland girls track.
rip mr huserek
ps if anyone wants to buy a lung cancer awareness ribbon with the money
going to the huserek family, bring me a dollar per ribbon sometime this