there's something about listening to grandaddy that just makes me calm. this has seriously been the worst week of my life, but i put in sumday and it's like it doesn't even matter. i remember when i got this cd. was like the myspace for music back in the day, and i'd go there all the time and find out about new music. i don't remember how i came across them but i remember they blew me away, and i went to best buy with cam and i bought it. i also used to always listen to a cd before i went to bed back then, and i remember i just listened to it like...three times straight through and it was 2 in the morning before i knew it. the next day in school i just wanted to come home and listen to it. i don't know why i'm writing about this in my livejournal, it's just weird how good this cd makes me feel.
i'm at school right now and i really need to be reading a book, but that's obviously not happening. i can only take so much of the iliad, and how i can't understand what anyone is saying. i guess it's getting better, but i really can't enjoy reading if i have to think after every line, "what does this even mean?"
i had an interview at barnes and nobles (the new glenbrook one) on monday and that went really well. the lady seemed to like me a lot, although i realize that's how they act towards everyone. regardless, i think it would be a good part time job. it's close to the college, and i could work in the music section.
it's been two months since i've worked out steadily and with a routing. therefore i lost some weight and a lot of muscle mass. this just hit me a few days ago when i weighed myself and i only weighed 150. this also probably had a lot to do with lack of eating and sleeping and what not but it definitely also has to do with not working out. so i've started doing that again. i'd like to get bigger than i've ever been before, obviously. but not like...huge. just more cut.
this weekend i am seeing piebald, limbeck, and the format in chicago. on saturday. i like limbeck and the format, but i'm really really stoked to see piebald. they're breaking up and this is their last tour. EVER. so i had to see them before that happened. i think i'm going to leave tonight and just hang out in chicago, because just sitting around my house tonight really doesn't sound like fun, and is a recipe for me getting sad and overthinking stupid stuff.
i met mr. belding from saved by the bell yesterday.
he's obviously gotten a lot fatter and older, but i think people forget that the last episodes of saved by the bell were in 1993, so that's 14 years ago. he signed my bike helmet.