Glee Oneshots!!

Sep 18, 2011 11:35

Title: A Little Bit of Love
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Rating PG-13
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Summary: Future!Fic, Kurt gets sick and it's up to Puck to take care of him

“Babe,” Puck sat on the edge of the bed and rested a hand on what he thought was Kurt’s shoulder. The way Kurt was curled up beneath the covers he could have easily been grabbing Kurt’s ass, not that he had a problem with that. Not at all. A small groan from beneath the covers broke into Puck’s current line of thought and brought him back to why he was in the contamination zone. “Come on Kurt, you’ve got to wake up for a few minutes.”
            “Go ‘way. Noah.” Kurt’s voice was still raspy and he was still grumpy.
            Puck smirked at Kurt before pulling back the covers slowly. Kurt buried his head in the pillows and curled up even tighter as soon as the bed sheets disappeared. “We got to get some more medicine in and you need to eat something.”
            “Not hungry,” Kurt turned his head and cracked an eye open to look up at Puck, “Just want more sleep.”
            “I know,” Puck nodded slightly amused with how Kurt was acting, “But I made you chicken noodle soup, from scratch and you know what they say about chicken noodle soup?”
            Kurt loosened up and rolled closer towards Puck, “What?”
            “That it has healing qualities,” Puck waited until Kurt gave in to his prodding and scooted up so he was resting against the headboard of their bed before he handed over the orange DayQuil liquid gels along with some water. Kurt swallowed them down with sleepy satisfaction. “You going to try and eat for me?”
            Kurt eyed the bowl of soup and the tray that Puck had carried it into the room before he nodded. Puck settled the tray over Kurt’s lap and watched the cautious sips and bites Kurt was taking. Kurt only made it halfway through the bowl before he set his spoon down with a sigh, “Can’t eat anymore.”
            “That’s okay,” Puck stood up to put away the dirty dishes but Kurt’s hand on his hip stopped him. “What is it?”
            “Stay?” Kurt rasped out before he coughed into his shoulder. “Miss you.”
            Puck felt his chest grow warm before he set the tray down on the end table and toes his shoes off. He walked around to his side of the bed and slipped beneath the sheets. He curled up against Kurt and pressed of warm kiss to the back of Kurt’s neck. “You get me sick there won’t be sex until after I’m better.”

Title: Hopeless
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kurt/Sam
Summary: Kurt attempts to teach Sam how to dance

Kurt can’t help the laughter that bubbles up from his chest. Sam stops mid-step and looks up at Kurt with a defeated look on his face. “I’m hopeless.”
            Kurt lifted a hand from Sam’s shoulder and placed it on the back of Sam’s neck, urging him closer until their feet were slotted together and they were pressed hip to hip, chest to chest. “No you’re not, you’re just thinking too much.”
            Sam shivered from the heat of Kurt’s words against his ear, “Not thinking much now.”
            “Good,” Kurt whispered as he slowly started to sway with Sam. Their feet taking slow shuffling steps together as the music filtered around the room, “You just need to feel.”
            Sam tiled his head back with a throaty groan, “Definitely feeling.”
            “Sam!” Kurt tried to take a step back from him but Sam’s hands on his hips wouldn’t allow him any movement. “What are you doing?”
            Sam pressed in close, his nose trailing along Kurt’s cheek before his lips were a breath away from Kurt’s, “Don’t care about dancing, not anymore.”
            Kurt’s eyes fluttered shut, “No?”
            “No,” Sam answered before he sealed his lips over Kurt’s. With soft nips and teasing kisses he swallowed down the surprised gasp from Kurt, “Just want you.”

Title: Winter-Time Beverage
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Summary: Cuddling up in front of the fire

“Hot chocolate?” Puck pressed a mug into Kurt’s hand and settled on the couch next to him.
            Kurt sent Puck a smile before he focused on the fire dancing in front of them, “Thanks.”
            “No problem,” Puck leaned over and popped a Twizzler into Kurt’s hot chocolate. He gave a bright smile with Kurt looked over at him in shock.
            “How did you know? No one knows about that,” Kurt twirled the Twizzler around in the mug and sipped at the hot chocolate after the Twizzler melted down enough to curl around the mug.
            “Dude,” Puck rolled his eyes, “You always have a Twizzler with your hot chocolate. I don’t get it but I’m not going to leave the most essential ingredient of your winter-time drink of choice.”
            “Winter-time drink of choice? Kurt busted out laughing, “Really Puck?”
            “Really Puck?” Echoed from Puck’s side of the couch, “Yes, really. You only drink hot chocolate in the winter. Hence it’s your winter-time drink.”
            Kurt turned and rested his back against the arm rest of the couch to better look at Puck, “You really watch me that much?”
            “Well,” Puck shrugged uncomfortably, “Someone’s got to look out for you so why not me?”
            Kurt grinned before toeing Puck in the thigh, “You care about me Puckerman.”
            Puck looked around the roll and his cheeks darkened with a blush, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Hummel.”
            “Uh huh,” Kurt nodded, “Then why are you here with me instead of with everyone else that’s in the hot tub while it’s negative twenty-five degrees outside. I doubt Karofsky hates me so much that he followed the entire glee club to my house and would risk running into my dad.”
            Puck rolled his lips together thoughtfully before he copied Kurt and turned to rest his back against the armrest of the couch. “You looked a little lonely in here while everyone else was outside. I thought you could use the company.”
            Kurt set his mug down on the table and pulled the quilt off the back of the couch and covered his legs with it. He toyed with the loose threads before he looked over to Puck, “Want to share.”
            “As long as you don’t try anything hinky,” Puck winked at Kurt before setting his mug down next to Kurt’s and scooting closer so they could share the quilt better. Their shoulders and thighs were pressed together beneath the blanket.
            Kurt’s eyes had grown heavy from the heat of the fire and Puck, “Thank you.”
            “The hot chocolate was instant, not any trouble dude,” Puck snorted in amusement at the sleepy Hummel who’s face was pressed against his shoulder.
            “Not just for the hot chocolate,” Kurt sat up to look Puck in the eyes, “For being here, taking care of me and watching out for me. Not many people would have done that for me.”
            Puck wrapped an arm around Kurt and pulled him close, “Well that’s because they don’t know what they have right in front of them. So if I get you all to myself, that doesn’t bother me much.”
            Kurt snuggled in to Puck with a happy sigh, “You’re a sap underneath all the badassery.”
            “Don’t go spreading that around, my reputation will be trashed in an instant,” Puck shifted them so they were lying back to chest on the couch, resting together. “And I can’t be having that.”

Title: Unexpected
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Artie/Kurt
Summary: It's a bit unexpected but that's not always a bad thing.

“It’s just,” Artie looked back at Kurt as Kurt maneuvered them through the crowded hallways humming lowly under his breath, “You get it.”
            “Of course I do,” Kurt huffed as he parked Artie next to his locker and waited for Artie to get whatever he needed for his afternoon classes. “We’re two of the most different people in the entire school but that doesn’t have to mean anything Artie. You’re still Artie and I’m still Kurt.”
            Artie looked up at Kurt while he settled the straps of his bag over the back of his chair, “But is that enough?”
            Kurt wrapped his hands around the handles of the chair and propelled them towards the glee room, “What do you mean is that enough? Of course it’s enough. It’s you and me, Artie.”
            Kurt stopped just short of the room and moved so he was kneeling in front of Artie, “All that matters to me is that you’re happy.”
            “I am,” Artie reached out to grasp Kurt’s hand in his own, “You make me happy but what if everyone else tries to say something about us. I just, I want everything.”
            Kurt felt the slight upward curl of his lips as he leaned closer, “Does it really matter what the rest of the glee club thinks as long as we’re happy together? They’re our friends, they’ll be happy for us either way. And if they aren’t, are they really our friends?”
            Artie shook his head as he tugged Kurt closer, “No but it’s just unexpected.”
            “But in a good way right?” Kurt wiggled his brows at Artie before pressing a soft kiss to Artie’s lips. Artie had other plans and held Kurt there, prolonging the kiss until they heard catcalls from the choir room.
            Artie licked his lips and nodded as Kurt pushed him into the room, “Definitely in a good way.”

Title: Over-the-counter Confessions
Author: youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: pre Puck/Kurt
Summary: Kurt let's the cat out of the bag when he has an unexpected reaction to over-the-counter cold meds

“You are so pretty,” Kurt giggled to himself as he leaned against Puck. “You’re eyes are so, so, perfect.”
            Puck held in his amusement as he resituated Kurt into his own chair and tried to pay attention to what Mr. Schue was going on about and what they were supposed to be singing this week but he couldn’t. Not with the way Kurt kept leaning across the space that separated their chairs and petting his hair and brushing his hands against what ever he could reach.
            “Just want to kiss you sometimes,” Kurt mumbled out before he scooted his chair closer and rested his head on Puck’s lap. He looked up at Puck with wide eyes, “Feel that smile right here.”
            Puck quirked a brow and watched as Kurt ran his fingers over his own lips, “And what would you do if I kissed you back.”
            “Would you?” Kurt whispered in awe.
            “Uh, maybe when you’re not doped up on whatever cold medicine you’re taking. Until then you’ll just have to settle on cuddling with the Puckerman in front of everyone in glee club.”

slash, glee

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