Title: Others
youaredrivingRating: Teen (liable to change)
Characters: Kurt, Artie, Burt, Blaine, Others
Warnings: AU, Slash, Supernatural beings, Violence
Summary: Kurt Hummel hadn't attended school during the day in over a year. He is part of the population in Lima, Ohion considered to be an Other.
Part Four
Their run had lasted for thirty minutes before but Kurt and Artie froze in their steps. The sounds were soft but loud enough that an Other could hear them.
“What is that?” Artie was panting, his hands on his knees as he looked up at Kurt. Kurt’s head was tilted to the side trying to pinpoint which direction the sounds were coming from.
“It doesn’t sound right,” Kurt shook his head as if he could shake the words from his mind.
“It sounds like someone’s getting hurt.” Artie spun on his heels and took off in a run with Kurt on his heels. They slid to a halt as they watched a boy their age trying his damndest to fight off the Other that had pinned him against the pavement.
Kurt could smell the boy’s blood and it made his fangs distend while he gripped Artie’s arm tightly. He stared at the Other attacking a human. “Can you tell what it is?”
Artie sniffed at the air before he shook his head, “What do we do?”
Kurt flinched at the terrified scream. Despite how dangerous it was to get involved in the conflict of an unknown brand of Other, Kurt wouldn’t be the person who just walked away from someone in need, “We help him.”
They were moving across the street and working together to yank the Other off the boy. As soon as their was enough room Kurt was tugging the curly-haired boy to relative safety as Artie held the Other back.
“Get him out of here,” Artie’s voice was raw and Kurt stared across the sidewalk at his best friend. Artie let out a fierce growl and his eyes glowed with rage. He grappled with whatever monster they had stumbled upon and it didn’t look like he was going to give up.
“I can’t leave you here, not with that!” Kurt grasped at shocked human in his arms and grimaced at what he saw. It wasn’t just anyone they had run across. It was the human, Blaine, who he had met at Temptations. Kurt held him tight as his veins shifted from the pale blues and greens to dark black and started to protrude from his skin as his face reddened. Kurt pressed his hands along his cheeks hoping to cool the human down during his change.
“He’s a Rougarou,” Artie growled out, “Go. You need to get out him of here.”
Kurt looked up to see Artie dodge a bite to the neck. He swallowed down his fear and pulled the Blaine into his arms. He glanced back at Artie one last time and hated that he was going to leave his best friend on his own. The further Kurt got from the sounds of fighting, the slower his gait got.
A Rougarou was one of the most dangerous Others in Lima. Not only did they feed off of the flesh of whatever they could get; humans, Others, you name it they would attack and fed if they were hungry enough but to get a Rougarou near a werewolf the results would be disastrous. And Kurt had left Artie with that.
When the human in his arms started to convulse, Kurt knew the transformation was beginning and the end of his human life was happening. The grass was soft enough to cushion him. Kurt kneeled next to him helpless. “You’re going to be okay. I promise, you’ll make it through this. You’ll make it through this and we’ll get you help. You’re going to be okay. With Artie and me by your side you’ll be okay.”
The full moon had passed along with the weekend and Kurt still hadn’t heard from Artie. His dad forced him to go to school Monday night and no matter how much Kurt fought him on the matter, he was still stuck along in the auditorium of his last class alone. He didn’t know what to think or do. It was odd to be sitting in the auditorium without Artie commentating on the lecture. It was even stranger since he hadn’t heard word from Artie since they had split up from the Rougarou. He didn’t know if Blaine had made it through his transformation of becoming an Other or if his body was too weak to handle it. Hell, if his Dad hadn’t of gotten a call about Others fighting Kurt wouldn’t have gotten him to the hospital. He himself probably wouldn’t have made it home before sunrise.
The teacher cut off the projector and flipped the lights on to signal that the class was over. Kurt blended in with the students as they rushed from the auditorium and out into the cool night. Kurt stopped in his steps when he saw Artie leaning against the building with a grin on his face. He couldn’t help himself when he launched himself at the werewolf. With his arms wrapped tightly around Artie, Kurt let out a sigh of relief, “I’ve been so worried about you.”
“Well,” Artie leaned back and gestured to someone hanging back. “Someone needed to help Blaine through his first moon and to begin adjusting to being an Other.”
Kurt stood still as he took in the newest addition to McKinely High night school and the newest wolf in Lima. He knew that Blaine was attractive before he was turned into an Other, but now? Now he had an ethereal glow behind his eyes. The way he shifted his weight and the way his eyes darted around the courtyard showed how in tune with the world he had become over the past few days.
Thrusting his hand out Kurt officially introduced himself, “I’m Kurt Hummel. Artie’s best friend and a vampire.”
“Blaine,” The amber eyes lit up in focus, “Blaine Anderson and I guess you could say I’m a werewolf. I haven’t had the same urges my predecessor had.”
Artie patted Blaine on the shoulder in an effort to comfort him, “You’re a werewolf. No doubt about that.”
Kurt eyed the duo before shrugging and deciding on a round of twenty questions to learn more about Blaine. “Your parents, how are they adjusting? Treating you well?”
Blaine nodded before licking his lips. When a soft breeze stole through the trees and around them he closed his eyes, scenting the air. The tension that had riddled throughout his body eased and a look of bliss crossed his face as he inhaled in a long, steady breath. He opened his eyes once he felt the pin-prickle of Kurt and Artie staring at him. “Sorry, it’s just…I never thought I could smell so well. Most of the things I’ve scented haven’t been so nice but whatever that was, it was, well enticing.”
Artie couldn’t help but grin at the new wolf, “Maybe one day you’ll figure out who that scent belongs to. Until then you’re stuck with Kurt and I.”
Blaine caught Kurt’s eye as he answered Artie, “That’s not such a bad thing.”
Part Five
Kurt shushed the trailing wolves as he unlocked the front door and slipped his shoes off. The living room lamps were on and the volume down low on the television. Artie and Blaine headed down to his room while he went to check on his dad. He was sprawled out on the couch with a blanket pulled up to his chest and lightly snoring.
Shaking his shoulder lightly, Kurt woke his father, “Hey, I’m home.”
“Good to see you kiddo. Good day at school?” Burt let out a jaw popping yawn and stretched in his seat.
“Yeah, Artie showed up after the last class. He had Blaine with him.”
“The boy who was attacked last week, it turns out he made it through the change. It’s okay that they’re both here right?” Kurt matched his dad’s sleepy steps through the living room and clicked the lamps off as they went.
“Yeah,” Burt waved a hand in the air. “New kid always needs friends.”
“Well stay quiet and I’ll be sure they get home safe.” Kurt watched as his Dad settled into the bed with a fond smile. Not many parents stuck by their kids when they became an Other but Kurt lucked out. He had a father who waited up for him to get home and didn’t care if his son’s diet consisted of blood and avoiding sunlight. “Thanks Dad, you know I love you right?”
“Course you do,” Burt chucked before he sobered, “I made an order through the donor bank to get you more dinner. You only had two days worth of food left.”
Kurt wrapped his arms around his Dad, “I’ll have coffee waiting for you in the morning.”
“Black, strong and black,” Burt murmured as he pulled the covers back. “Go hang out with your friends. I’m sure Artie missed you as much as you missed him.”
Kurt let out a bark of laughter as he left his Dad to sleep and headed for his room. On the steps he could hear Artie speaking softly to Blaine. The tone Artie was using was almost comforting. When he rounded the corner he saw Blaine with his head in between his knees and Artie rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
With quick steps Kurt was across the room, “What’s wrong?”
Blaine looked up at Kurt with teary eyes but it was Artie who answered, “We could hear you and your dad. It just upset Blaine that his parents aren’t taking it as well as we might have led on.”
“Well, you’re both welcome here. Whenever. My dad loves Artie like a second son and you need all the support you can get.” Kurt pressed a cool hand to the burning skin at the back of Blaine’s neck. He looked towards Artie with a concerned look. The temperature of Blaine’s skin was too hot to be good for the newly turned Other. He needed to calm down and cool down otherwise he’d be forcing a shift. “It’s been rough, hasn’t it?”
“I thought coming out to my parents was hard enough. Can you imagine the looks on their faces when they got to the hospital to see me isolated in a room and restrained to the bed because not only am I gay but now I’m an Other? It was like seeing them give up on me.”
Kurt did the only thing he could think of. He wrapped his arms tightly around Blaine’s neck. He didn’t have Artie when he became an Other but he did know the one thing he craved the most and his Dad gave it, he needed a reminder that he wasn’t a monster. That he was still the person he was when he was human. The simple touch and embrace was the first sign of acceptance and it was the most important.
Blaine melted into Kurt’s arms. His nose pressed against the cool skin of Kurt’s neck and his arms squeezed a little tighter and Kurt didn’t speak of the grip. He just held the newly turned Other.