Title: Stand
youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Fandom, characters: Supernatural, Sam & Dean, squint for /
Rating: R for F-Bomb and general material
Summary: Both he and Dean knew well enough that these weren't your average everyday shifter, there was something more predatory about them. That's why he and Dean had gotten into this situation in the first place.
It was spine tingling the amount of audacity the shifters had traveling together and watching out in the open like they were. Both he and Dean knew well enough that these weren’t your average everyday shifters, there was something more predatory about them. That’s why he and Dean had gotten into this situation in the first place.
Sam curled his fingers up into his palm and let his hands loosen before he looked over towards Dean. This was an all or nothing kind of moment they were having and they were both going through with it or they were holing up in this ramshackle shack with no provisions.
Dean bit into his lip and gave a subtle nod, saying fuck it, let’s do this. Sam let out a the breath he didn’t know he had been holding before he was moving, his hand going to the small of his back fingers fitting in that seamless grip along gun he had grown so accustomed to.
The air bit into Sam’s cheeks making him want to duck his face into his chest but he knew better than that. They couldn’t afford to lose any visibility with shifters out around the building. Dean motioned with a quick flick of his wrist that he spotted something and they both went into John Winchester Military mode and Sam saw them. Staring and waiting, with coy grins on their faces.
Swift movements before Sam’s eyes had his muscles reacting before his brain caught on. He could feel the bite and the tug along his ankles as he ran, ignoring the scratches from loose branches and dead plants as he and Dean spanned out around the shifters.
The first gun shot had the hairs on the back of his neck raising and Sam searched out the disgusting squelch and crumpled body. He found it two feet to his left before he was running. The second gunshot was directed towards the east and Sam was spinning and he spotted Dean and fired off his own round, right between the eyes of the curly blonde haired visage that had gotten close to wrapping a hand around Dean’s arm.
They were getting closer, they were getting wilder. Sam took a deep breath and searched the surrounding trees. They needed to find the rest of them. They needed to get the fuck out of here.
“Sam!” Dean yelled his name just as the blow connected with the side of his face and a iron tight grip wrapped around his throat. Sam felt his body being pulled back against the warmth of a smaller form and he gasped for air. “Mother fucker.”
Sam realized that he was being used as a shield. It really wasn’t that much of a leap of logic. His body was bigger and he could feel the moist breath on the back of his neck. Not the easiest of shots for Dean or himself to take, especially when his hand was being twisted so hard he had to drop the gun in his grip or face a broken wrist.
It was a moment, a second of soundless communication between he and Dean. If you have a shot, take it. Even if it hurts me you take it. Sam could see the fear, the anguish painted across Dean’s face as he gave one quick blink and raised his gun throat level to Sam.
“You wouldn’t dare.” Sam felt the vibrations of the words against the back of his neck.
“After what you’ve done,” Sam started and struggled against the hold he was in trying to gain a little more room for Dean to work with.
“And after all the people you three have kidnapped, tortured, and killed you can only imagine what we would do.” Dean finished Sam’s thought off and the shifter growled out.
Sam closed his eyes and lifted his leg, jamming his foot as hard as he could into the shifter’s kneecap. He twisted and Dean fired off a round. The explosion of red and the tumble of bodies had Sam gasping, wondering what the hell had really just happened. He stared at the mess until a pair off hands started patting him all over, checking to make sure he was all right.
Dean’s hands were holding his face and Sam looked up grasping the rough hands on the sides of his face, “I’m fine.”
“Thank Mary, Joseph, and whoever else is in the Bible.”