Title: This Was His Life, His Creation
youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Summary: This is the reason Samuel Colt created a weapon that could kill anything.
Inspired by this
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comment_fic To a hunter, or even to someone like Samuel Colt, family was everything. They were the reasons behind your every action. Their memories spurred the amount of time it took you to search out the thing that killed them and to react to other creatures just like it. But Samuel Colt did not have the luxury of other hunters. He couldn’t fight back, he could only lie and watch as his wife and baby girl died.
It took more than enough time for him to get his act together and when he did he worked. The thing that killed his wife and baby girl wasn’t like the rest of the demons he encountered and while he tracked it, it tracked him. So he gave up regular hunting and he worked on his gun, tweaking it until he got the right mixture right in the bullet and in the metal of the gun.
When he finally found it again, it looked human. No it looked like what he thought his baby girl would have looked like if she had the chance to grow into a beautiful young woman. The rage he felt was more than he could cope with and he shot her.
He watched as its body illuminated with bits of lightning and it gasped against the power of the bullet. Samuel Colt wasn’t sure what this monster was but he knew it wasn’t a demon, a werewolf, or even a ghost. But he knew what he created could kill the vilest of creatures and it should be kept safe for the next time it was needed.