Title: Pictures
youaredriving aka Scarletsptember
Fandom/Pairing: Supernatural - Sam/Castiel (Uh huh, I went there)
Word Count: 554
Rating: Be Mature
Summary: Written from the prompt at
comment_fic by
hugglewolf at this
threadCastiel gets his hands on a Polaroid Camera and takes pictures of everything.
Being on Angel duty wasn’t usually so active. At least it wasn’t for Dean or Bobby but Sam always got the more interesting days. Like when Castiel found an old Polaroid camera that Bobby had lying around, which still baffled Sam’s mind with the copious amounts of film that was no longer produced Bobby had in his possession, but Castiel was getting a kick out of it and if he had to admit it, Sam found the process amusing.
“Sam?” Castiel leaned backwards over the couch pointing the camera up at the ceiling where Bobby had once drawn out a Devil’s Trap and snapped a picture, the flash temporarily spotting his vision.
“What’s up, Cas?” Sam asked, shutting the long forgotten laptop and facing the Angel on the couch.
“Why does one take pictures?” Castiel emphasized this with another snap and flash in Sam’s face before the picture was produce and he waved the film around before tossing it on the table. “I like that one. I think I’ll keep it.”
“Uh, well we’re not big for pictures but it’s to remember things, mostly. To capture moments you always want to have, or whatever you find interesting.” Sam explained and Castiel shifted on the couch and found something fascinating towards the kitchen and took a picture of it before throwing it with all the others on the table.
“You have a picture of you and Dean. I think I should have a picture of us.” The Angel scooted closer on the couch and Sam coughed when a khaki clad arm wrapped around his shoulders.
“If you want to remember me,” Sam whispered after the snap and whir of the picture was taken and he was taken aback by the intensity and the nearness of the sapphire eyes.
“I want to remember everything,” The words dripped quietly off of Castiel’s lips and Sam could almost taste them against his own. How something so innocent could turn into this sent him reeling. Just as quickly as the moment came it disappeared as Castiel backed away but the boxy camera focused in on something Sam couldn’t understand.
The second Sam moistening his lips, Castiel took a photo. “I want to remember that.” Oh God, what was happening? This was not supposed to happen. “And I want to remember the way your eyes do that, but I think I can remember that on my own.”
“Cas,” Sam choked out but the Angel moved back and focused on his hands.
“I want those hands.”
“To remember them,” Castiel corrected himself quickly before tossing another picture down on the table followed but setting the camera down. “Out of film.”
“Thank god,” Sam wiped shaky hands over his face and felt his heart stutter in his chest when a weight settled over his lap and smooth fingers peels his hands away and he found himself looking at Castiel’s face. “Cas?”
“I want to remember everything there is to remember about you Sam Winchester.”
“I want to remember you too” Sam whispered, eyes falling to dry lips dying to know what the Angel tasted and felt like.
Castiel leaned closer in a barely there kiss and Sam could feel his heart beating against his chest when Castiel’s lips brushed against his as he whispered, “Good,” before sealing his lips over Sam’s.