I am going to go see Tintamarre perform on Thursday morning, and this has made me realise something: I have been away from France for a whole year. I left a week early so that I could do the Tintamarre tour, and now it's time for Tintamarre once again. Thinking about it actually gives me a lump in my throat. It still seems so real, so present. It still seems like if I got on a plane to Paris and took the train to Cherbourg that everyone and everything I knew there would still be waiting.
I miss my BFFF (best friend from France) as much today as I did one year ago, when he stood on the train platform waving and I wept on the train. If I let myself, I bet I could cry over him just as hard now as I did then. A year has done nothing.
It's making me think about immigration and how incredible it is. I loved France. That country got under my skin and into my heart in not even a year. I miss it and certain smells or moments make me just ache to be back there. France was only my home for eight months of my adult life; how do you leave the home of your whole life? How can someone leave their home country behind and not just crumble? It hurts to think about France in the past tense, sure, but really I can't imagine having to think about Canada as something in my past.