Jul 21, 2004 12:00
i got my roommates for longwood. the girls seem really nice. but of course, with my luck, i got a shitty living situation. I'm in Cox, which has no AC (yeah i'm a little princess, i need my AC) and its made for 2 people, but they're cramming 3 of us into a 2 person dorm. And we have to share a bathroom with an adjoining room which will also have 3 girls. Six people for 1 bathroom!!! But it will all work out hopefully. i'm getting really excited. I really wanna leave virginia beach and all the drama that's here. And trust me there's plenty of drama here. The last week has been drama filled. I mean between the fights, redefining relationships, and coming clean with a lot of people. I think its definitely time to leave here. And the problems just keep racking up. I need $1000 by Aug.1 and i only have 500. I have to have the money for my parents. they said that i needed to have a $1000 saved so that they could see i was responsible with money and some shit. and they're threatening to not let me to go to longwood if i dont have the money. i'm not sure if they'll stick to it, but something tells me this will have serious consequences. i get one paycheck before then, which will be about 200 and then the babysitting gig should get me about 150. that leaves me a bit short. So i dont know what the hell i'm gonna do. Guess i'll just have to figure something out. bah. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Alright well this was just supposed to be a quick update. Gotta do some laundry and lauren's coming over. I <3 that girl. We're gonna hang around the pool and do the whole girl talk thing.
i need a vacation from this place. and fast.
<3 ash