(no subject)

May 31, 2009 02:09

Sleep is hard to come by right now. I feel I am no longer eligible for an established credit line with it anymore. I used it all up. Funny though I need it now more than ever, as I literally feel like the walking dead.

Sometimes I reach this balance. What can only be described as some kind of cosmic alignment of my bizarre sleep tendencies, of where I am literally drifting for a few days, practically asleep on my feet, but I am unable to act or even appear as tired as I actually am. When this happens I go through kind of a reverse insomnia, where falling asleep is easy, but staying asleep is impossible.

From 10 to 12:30 this very night, I was stuck in a pattern of:

falling asleep,
having a dream,
waking up,
realizing barely any time had passed,
falling asleep...

Some of these were coherent dreams as well. Not your run of the mill "falling off a building" or "someone who looks like Freddy Krueger is about to enter your room if you don't wake up fast enough" nonsense, but real dreams.

The issue with this of course is I haven't actually needed sleep for a very long time, and now that I really do, it is teasing me like some kind of Micheal Bay movie trailer where you know you've actually just watched the entire fight scene, and it ain't getting any better than what he just showed you in that two minute trailer, but you go see it anyway because your foolish and think at some point the fucker has to get it right...

Whatever back to sleep.

***Side note***Maybe next time I'll post the dreams I had, but they were abstract, and involved a few people I know so most likely I won't. I'm a bit annoyed however as I haven't really been remembering my dreams lately and along comes these spaz fucking dreams, full of shit I really don't want to remember, and they are clear as fucking day.

***2nd Side note*** Nuclear detonation is pretty frightening.
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