sirenspull Washu's Lab

Oct 11, 2011 11:58

Washu is a resident of Nueva Los Noches, along with Szayel, Nelliel, and Luppi. Using the reiatsu, she's capable of maintaining a decent hold on a small margin of pseudo-space to house her lab. While the "front door" is technically Szayel's closet, the lab is actually outside the dimensional sphere that houses the island. Because of the Core's fluctuations, the hold on another dimension is tenuous and thus Washu is extremely reliant on the reiatsu to keep it functional- if it goes, her lab goes with it and so does any research and data not recorded to her laptop.

As stated, the lab's front door is Szayel's closet- the only people who can safely enter and exit through that door are the residents or anyone who happens to be immune to the effects of the spiritual energy. There's also a "back door" located inside a closet in Washu's office at SPU, which allows people to enter the lab at Washu's bequest without being harmed- however, due to the pressure, there's concern of humans getting sick from spending too much time inside it. These two doorways between her lab allow her to commute between work and Los Noches freely.

The lab is much smaller than she's accustomed to- roughly the size of a small house- and contains only what Washu's managed to build and find for herself, which isn't much. Washu can't just manifest materials out of nowhere, but she can change the scenery of the lab. Occasionally, it'll look like a relaxing lounge with reflecting pools and plant life and other times it'll look like the cold metal structure you'd associate with labs.

[what] meta, [verse] siren's pull

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