hahahaha. I'm the coolest. Let me tell you why...
I did in fact get hired by the Gap at Crossroads, officially, today. Also, Express at Gateway called me today and they want to hire me. It's rad because I don't have to get re-interviewed. haha. So yeah. My plan is to work at both of them and not tell eachother about them. I know if they knew about the other then they'd be like, "uhh...CONFLICT OF INTEREST!!!" and I'd have to quit one or get fired by both or something. BUT if they don't know about eachother then things are cool. I'm only going to be making $6.50 an hour at Gap, but that's a lot more than I thought I would, considering minimum wage is like only $5.15 here (as opposed to $6.75 in California). I'm not yet sure how much I'll be making at Express, but the girl said something about transferring wages. I was making $8 an hour at Express before, so it would be rad if I made that here. That probably won't happen, but we'll see.
Word. So Brent and I are going to hang out because we're the coolest......!