Nov 23, 2004 04:55
Well, 5 o clock in the morning, woke up from sleep about 2 hours ago and now I think I'm gonna go eat some ice cream. Ice cream sunday at that.
Oh do I have a story to tell, that I almost completely forgot, which has been the main focus of everything the past couple of days.
SOOOO the story begins like this...
I was at Selena's, and I had to decide whether to stay there or go to Lissa's, so I went to Lissa's because me and Barry had been fighting the past couple of days and I wanted to be with him without fighting. Good thing I did go over there. Barry and I were staying the night at my sister Melissa's house. We drove back to my house to pick up cigerettes because he forgot them. Sean (my brother that is) was upstairs in his room, with his friend Josh, and his friend Ryan was on the couch. So I asked Ryan why he was sleeping on the couch and told him he could sleep in my bed, and then he proceeded to tell me Sean was upstairs in his room, "He smoked weed and now he thinks he's dying and wants someone to call an ambulance." So I go up there and find out he was on cold pills as well as weed. Barry just got pissed and wanted to leave, so he almost left me to go back to Lissa's (I was rather pissed about that) So I wasn't going to take the chance of my brother OD'ing because there's no way in hell I can lose another damn brother. So I went downstairs and said "Mom, Sean needs to talk to you now." So she went upstairs, he told her he took 10 cold pills and smoked weed. She took him to the hospital because he said it was serious. Meanwhile I went back to Melissa's and waited for a call from my mother to tell me how Sean was doing. So at the hospital, Ryan finally admits that he took 20 pills and not 10 because Sean was so out of it he could barely talk, except for saying "I didn't take them to get high". So the doctors assumed he did it to kill himself (which I don't know if he did or not). He ends up being fine, even though the doctor said he had an equivilant of 40 pills in his stomach. So I dunno. Then, they tell my mom they want to put him in phsyciatric care for 3-5 days or more depending on how bad he is. Well then me and Barry have to leave at like 4 in the morning to go pick up Ryan Josh and Nicci from the hospital (with Barry bitching at me the wholeee ride). So we get lost because of my mom's directions and ended up somewhere in washington. So we go to a different hospital, and get directions to emanual hospital where we were supposed to be. So we didn't end up getting there until about 7 o clock in the morning. Well then I suggested I drive home (because I love to drive and Barry was tired as hell and Nicci decided to stay with my mom) but Barry decided to be a stubborn ass and say No I'm driving I just want to get home fast and go to sleep. So I persisted because I knew how tired he was and he was just tellin Josh and Ryan that he should not be driving right now. But whatever, he had to drive. So we were on our way home, and Barry falls asleep at the wheel, because he can fall asleep doing ANYTHING. (One time he fell asleep on me while we were making out and mannn was I pissed). Anyways, Josh in the backseat yells "BARRY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!" So Barry snaps out of it and realizes he's about to hit the cement guard block on the side of the road so he swerves real fast and ends up leaving a big scratch in the car. We thought the car was going to be fuckedddddddddd up bad. But it wasn't. It could have been so much worse with him falling asleep at the wheel. I was SOOO mad that he did not let me drive just because he's fuckin stubborn. WELL, anyways... BACK TO MY BROTHER. He's been in phsyciatric care for 2 days now and we visited him yesterday and today. He's put in a little white room with a tiny bed, with absolutely NOTHING in it. It's almost just like jail (said Barry). And we don't know how long he's gonna be in there, we're hoping they will let him out by Thanksgiving. The phsyciatrics said they don't think his depression is serious enough for him to stay long, they don't think he tried to kill himself, and the cuts on his arm are not that serious because "they're just scratches". I kind of think that is all bullshit. I think it'd be good for him to be in there for awhile, even though I feel bad for him and I want him out. Doesn't really make sense. But anyways. That's what I've been up to. Other then sleeping. Oh, and side note, if my brother would have picked up a different kind of cold medicine, with tylenol in it, he would have died. By the way he stole them from target.
Hopefully I return to school soon. Things are lookin up. My counselor is cooperating more now.
There's also another serious thing goin on with my family. But it has to do with one of my siblings and it's very personal, I would not want to tell her business. Even though it's so tempting because it's so stressful and crazy and I feel so incredibly bad for her.
Well I'm done. That was the longest entry in a LONG time. But, I'm gonna go make ice cream and snuggle up to barry to get warm :)