Sep 23, 2008 17:37
Okay. So I feel I should write this blog because I have a few things on my mind. Today at work Henry was listening to the radio show that he always listens to, and the host was talking about the election as he has been for the past few weeks. He was asking callers why they were voting for their candidate. One caller said that she was voting for McCain because she did not want to "put a spook in the White House." Now, I am in no way exaggerating when I say that this comment is absolutely, entirely, wholly, and unequivocally inappropriate. I was unbelievably offended when I heard this comment. It had been on my mind the entire time since. Now, I don't mean to make this about the election, but this comment opens up a lot of other questions.
For one, who decides what is vulgar and what isn't? The very idea of there being an objective basis for what constitutes vulgarity is total bullshit. I find it completely unacceptable that the comment was allowed on the airwaves. If she had said, "I'm not voting for Obama because I don't like black people and I don't think that they are qualified to lead this country" that would have been fine. At least she would have been honest. But you can't say 'spook' on the radio, just like you can't say 'fuck' on the radio. Now, saying 'fuck' on the radio doesn't offend me. But saying "spook' does. And there's your proof that vulgarity is subjective. A lot of other people may find the work fuck offensive, and that's fine. But I don't. I find 'spook' offenisive, or 'spick' or 'chink' for that matter. But I'm sure that some people don't. In fact, I bet some people even AGREE with the woman who "doesn't want to put a spook in the White House."
Now, I'm as much of a critic of censorship as anyone else, but I agree that there should be some restrictions on the airwaves. If it's private, that's one thing. That's why you can pay for HBO or the playboy channel. But something anyone can watch or listen to should have some restrictions. If someone finds the work 'fuck' offensive, that's fine. They have every right to do so. But in my opinion, 'fuck' is harmless. It doesn't hurt anyone. But "spook' does. It is because this kind of speech is allowed to permeate the airwaves that these ignorant attitudes exist.
That is why I say that just like it is okay to reference sex on air but not say 'fuck' it should be okay to say "I'm not voting for Barack because I'm racist", but not say "spook".
More ramblings later.