Sep 28, 2004 18:08
I was watching some music channel at the weekend and Keane beat Meatloaf(!) in the top 100 greatest rock songs or something by loaaads. It reallyreally annoyed me to the point of me going out & buying a Meatloaf CD, the guy at the counter laughed at me, I was all like "... don't judge" but he did, I could tell.
I also offcially quit college, they told me to take a week off to think about then come back & give my final word, so I did. The woman seemed really pleased to sign me off the course, usually she's really grumpy. =|
I'm really into crosswords right now, the cryptic ones, it gets me really excited when I figure them out, I loove them. Daily Mail, innit. I also started smoking a bit as well, mainly because kissing Dave is like licking an ashtray out, I really hate the taste but this way I get used to it & don't want to vomit everytime he comes near me. I asked him to give up but said i was trying to "change" him. Wtf I'm saving his life, idiot. Well, I'm not but I would be. Gah. I only write in here when I'm bored. I keep having arguments with myself, usually they're in my head but they've started to be vocal, everyone must think I'm a loon.