(no subject)

Jul 27, 2006 02:03

WHATS UP THERE KIDDOS! wanna go to a show n support mah bebe in action?! and u knoe, since i'm there..i'll be all the action you'll ever need >D so no worries :D! however! your present is needed and always ALwAYS welcomed at this amazing show...his tickets are i think 7 doolars? and its on JULY 30 thirtee the big 3-OH, and if THAT doesn't tickalee your fancee-ee...i heard that mad peepz gunna be flashin n streekin everywhere! its gon be gurlz and men (tihihihi) GONE WILD over and over again!! >D cuz this shows gunna be waaaayyy too hawt for yer little tooshies to handle their amazing buh-izeatz >D so DON'T MISS OUT on this AHWESOOME once in a liftime opportunity!


oh yea..and YOU guys dun post ne more >O...u knoe how empty my life feels without reading how your guy's is?!
well..its crap
me n the kiddies got scurred frum watching the most scariest films EVR
i dun think i'll sleep tonite *0*
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