So a couple of weeks ago, the house across the street and one to the left of me started flying a flag I didn't recognize and there were tons of cars coming and going all the time, even late into the night. Naturally, I assumed they had joined some sort of militia group. As it turns out, it was a Marine Corps flag and their son had just gotten back from training or deployment or something and people were coming to visit him. Whatever. Honest mistake. Anyway, now I'm pretty sure that the house across the street and one to the right is a marijuana grow house. Nobody lives there or takes care of the yard, but someone definitely owns the house and occasionally I'll go out in the middle of the night and there will be lights on and several cars in the driveway. This is definitely more sound than my militia theory, but I don't know how to confirm it. Do you think they'd tell me the truth if I asked?
The house directly across the street belongs to a Sunday School teacher but, aside from that, I don't think she's up to anything suspicious.
I got about 90% of the way done with my
tamingthemuse fic before time ran out. I'm going to finish it, though. I always seem to procrastinate until I have an excuse to not finish things, and that's what I need to work on more than anything. But I'm not sure if I'm doing next week's prompt. There are a lot of other things I wanted to finish. Knowing me, however, that's probably just an excuse.