Sep 08, 2006 12:20
1. I finally got a damn credit card and I can finally build my credit so when I need loans and such for various adult things I can get it! The card only has a 300 dollar limit so it will be only be used for cell phone bill and gas...pretty smart eh.
2.At work I have a dreaded sunday morning meeting which I will probably show up to either still drunk or hung over as fuck. So it'll either be easier hearing them talking negatively or it'll be torture. I can't control the performances of other employees...if newbs don't want to do their job then just cut their hours...simple as that.
3.Where is DEREK?!
4.I better get some fucking store-wide recognition at the meeting too...I never got to run down the line of employees slapping hands...I WANNA BE AN MVP I'VE BEEN THERE FOR OVER A YEAR DAMMIT!!
5. I'm still doing the shit and I have my resume online and I suprisingly get phone calls mostly about sales commission shit which I don't want to do and I apply to every job that has something to do with what I want my career to be involving ads and copywriting and all that fun looking shit but it's a competetive world out there and nothing is going to happen right away...because I dunno how much I can take of best buy...even tho the pay is beyond decent for the work I do...and a bunch of my friends are there...I'm going to have to move on soon.
6.Apparently my health insurance doesn't start until november first...that's some ole bulllshit.
7.I get my hair done today I can wake up 15 min before work instead of 30.
8.I love having boys that other girls want.
9.I never have pleasant dreams dreams are always disturbing like about skunks or causing a fawn to break it's neck...or causing people to drown and bringing them back to life by doing compressions...I's just weird. They say when you're life is shitty you tend to dream more pleasant dreams...I think my life is less shitty than it was a month ago...SO WHERE ARE MY PLEASANT DREAMS?!
10.Saturday will be the best day...well aside from wokrng 9:30-6...I will be going to the oyster festival which I haven't done since I was like 18 probably. It was always fun when I was younger but now it will be eveeen better because of course...THE BEER TENT. I get to spend 10 bucks on one cup of beer haha. And I have money now so I can finally try oysters (which come in like 30 packs) and omg the FUNNEL CAAAKEEEE...I know they have pizza frit there but I want FUNNEL CAAAAKE...and then of course after that it'll be time to go down the street to bryon's house and get wasted with a bunch of my favorites. Good day. Drinkstrong day.
11. I've been happier lately...maybe it's my mood swings due to hormones from the thing where I bleed once a month for 5-7 days...or maybe not...but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts....