Feb 23, 2009 00:07
It’s no secret that I love movies. So, the Oscars is an epic event for me.I've seen almost all of the movies that are nominated this year minus Frozen River, Frost/Nixon and Vicki Christina Barcelona so I feel like I'm allowed to put in my two cents. This year I decided that I’m going to “live-blog” the whole Oscars experience and then post it online after its all over. I’m watching the show from the comfort of my bedroom. Here are some of my predictions:
Best Actor
I really think that this is Mickey Rouke’s year. The Wrestler may not have been my favorite Oscar-nominated movie this year, but he acted the shit out of his role and deserves it. The underdog is clearly Richard Jenkins but he is a close second choice for me. The Visitor was fantastic.
Best Supporting Actor
Everyone knows that Heath Ledger is going to win. And let’s face it, he’s only going to win because he’s dead. I’m not saying that to be mean, but I just don’t think a Batman role is worthy for an Oscar. I’m personally pulling for Robert Downey Jr.
Best Actress
If Kate Winslet doesn’t win, I am going to cut someone! She deserves every bit of that statue. And that’s not just the crazy fangirl speaking. This is her year.
Best Supporting Actress
I haven’t seen Vicki Cristina Barcelona so I’m going to go with Amy Adams in Doubt. Yes, Marisa Tomei’s performance was pretty raw but…I just don’t know.
Animated Film
WALL-E. Clearly.
Slumdog Millionaire. Oh yes.
Best Film
Slumdog Millionaire is clearly the most buzzed about movie this Oscar season. And with good reason. If you haven’t seen this movie, run…don’t walk…to the nearest movie theater!
Alright, here we go….
7:11 pm: watching the Red Carpet coverage on E! I don’t know what it is about Red Carpets, but they make me uncomfortable. Some of the questions that are asked are just dumb. Sit down Ryan Seacrest. And how freakin’ cute are those kids from Slumdog Millionaire? They must be having the times of their lives!
7:25 pm: I’d like to point out that I have no recollection of the Golden Globes because I was drunk off my ass that night. And I had to watch everything the next morning on Youtube. Tonight, I am not drinking. I WILL remember everything! Haha.
7:45 pm: Not much to report on right now…just watched Seacrest interview Penelope Cruz and Marion Cotillard…can I tell you excited I am for Nine? I will definitely be first in line to see it. Oh and KATE WINSLET!!! There she is! LOVE HER!
8:00 pm: switching over to ABC’s coverage of the Red Carpet for the next half hour before the big show. Kinda wished I watched the Barbara Walters special instead of E! Tim Gunn is ~fierce~
8:11 pm: Slumdog kids make me smile.
8:16 pm: Getting excited! I know that Hugh Jackman is gonna tear it up. How great would it be if he broke out his sparkley pants from Boy From Oz?
8:28 pm: 2 minutes until the big show!! Moments, moments away!! Should I make popcorn now or wait a bit? I think I’ll wait a bit.
8:30 pm: HERE WE GO!!! I hope its entertaining! Wait, is that a jazzy version of “Lawrence of Arabia”?
8:33 pm: SQUEE!! Hugh Jackman serenading Kate Winslet! Maybe he will take someone up on stage like he did when he hosted the Tony's. Poor Sarah Jessica Parker was so caught off guard when he did that!
8:38 pm: And I spoke too soon. Say what you will but I love Anne Hathaway. That was just too cute. And who knew she had a voice? That was a good opener. But if it was anyone other then Hugh, it wouldn’t have worked. I’m WOOOOLLLLVVERINNNEEEEE!
8:41 pm: Oh boy, our first “technical difficulty” Let’s hope it’s the only one tonight.
8:44 pm: Best Supporting Actress time! Look at Goldie! Love her! Whoopi looks preggers. Will Amy Adams pull through? Not sure if I like this format of presenting the nominees. It’s cool and all, but it might get old fast.
8:47 pm: PENELOPE! Of course the one movie I didn’t friggin’ see! Did she win for Volver? I can’t remember. Congrats to her. She really is an extraordinary actress. ::::BRB, looking for bootleg copy of Vicki Christina Barcelona::::
8:53 pm: Tina Fey and Steve Martin! YAY! Good jokes, good times! I want to be part of your religion!
8:56 pm: And the first winner for Milk for Best Original Screenplay. Well done, well done. Oh and screw popcorn…my mom is bringing home Ben and Jerrys for me.
9:01 pm: SLUMDOG win #1!!!!!!! Best Adapted Screenplay. I have a feeling that this movie is going to dominate tonight.
9:04 pm: Oh Jack Black, I love you. Oh Jennifer Aniston, I hate you.
9:06 pm: WALL-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Please, like there was any competition.
9:17 pm: SJP looks gorgeous. Can't wait for the next Sex and the City movie, gurl. Art Direction….Benjamin Button. OK, OK.
9:20 pm: How appropriate that SJP presents a costume award. Of course The Duchess won. It’s a British period piece. It could be the shittiest movie, but the costumes will always pull through. (I don’t think The Duchess was shitty. I actually really enjoyed it. Ralph Fiennes was E-vil.)
9:23 pm: Win #2 for Button. Deserved. Make-Up. Old man. Baby. Good times.
9:29 pm: Robert Pattison looks like a foot. The Romance montage was cheesy which means that I loved it.
9:34 pm: Ben Stiller making fun of Joaquin Phoenix and Natalie Portman. Loved it! SLUMDOG win #2! The movie looked great for having been shot on a cellphone....
9:44 pm: I think this may be better then Pineapple Express….I feel bad because everyone is ragging on The Reader. I think Seth Rogan and James Franco should host Oscar 2010.
9:52 pm: Is it time for a music number? I’m excited!
9:53 pm: Beyonce? Totally lip-synching. Alright. Keep going, I’m a little interested….
9:56 pm: What is this shit? High School Musical does not belong on the Oscar stage! But, um, Mamma Mia, you can stay…I’m totally playing the “musical snob” part right now, but I can’t deny the fact that I paid to see HM3 in the theatres…
9:58 pm: OK, so that all makes awkwardly sense now…Baz Luhrman did it. I get it.
10:02 pm: Best Supporting Actor time. Bring on the tears for Heath Ledger.
10:03 pm: OMG! Joel Gray, Chris Walken and Alan Arkin! Live on stage! One night only!
10:08 pm: This was a no brainer. R.I.P. Heath. Kate Winslet cries at everything. Has anyone ever won an award before that was dead?
10:17 pm: Documentary time…which means its time for me to go get me some ice cream. Ben & Jerry’s Cake Batter…yum!
10:27 pm: Button win #3 for Best Visual. This movie had mixed reviews but honestly, despite it being 3 hours long, I loved it. I will buy it on DVD.
10:29 pm: Movies that are loud deserve to win for Best Sound. The Dark Knight was loud. So it won.
10:31 pm: SLUMDOG win #3. Jai ho! India is going to be all the craze after this show. Maybe Dahler Mehndi will come out and sing “Tunak Tunak”!
10:35 pm: SLUMDOG win #4! DOMINATION!! Now I want to go see this movie again.
10:37 pm: I would really like to see what goes on in the theater during a commercial break. I would also like to have a camera situated on Angelina Jolie’s face throughout the whole show. Because who cares about the awards when Angie’s in town?!?! You work that green ring!
10:44 pm: Bitches, get on your feet…it’s Jerry Lewis! (And yes, he’s still alive…) You better recognize!
10:50 pm: MOOOOOOOOOOOOON RIVER! I will never ever, ever, EVER get sick of that song. One of my favorite songs of all-time. Fo realz.
10:54 pm: Everything Slumdog touches turns to gold. WIN #5 for musical score. The music absolutely made this movie. A.R. Rahman is a genius.
10:56 pm: You know Slumdog is going to win for Best Song. I LOVE THESE SONGS!! I want more! I want more!
11:00 pm: JAI HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Slumdog win #6 BITCHES! And this one is so deserved. But it would have been cool if M.I.A. had been part of that medley but she just had a baby and all.
11:08 pm: Oh geeze, about to vomit. Best Actress coming up. I will scream if Kate Winslet wins. I will scream if she doesn’t. But if she wins, it will be a good scream. I’ll be like a audience member of the Oprah show when she gives away free shit…heads exploding and everything.
11:10 pm: But first dead people….Work it Queen!
11:15 pm: ::::tear:::: for Paul Newman. I love your salad dressings.
11:21 pm: Best Director goes to….DANNY BOYLE!!! Slumdog!!!! BOOYAH!!! WIN #7! Two for you! You go, Glen CoCo! (Mean Girls reference)
11:24 pm: Oh my god, it’s time!
11:26 pm: EPIC! EPIC! EPIC! MARION, SOPHIA, HALLE, NICOLE and SHIRLEYYYYYY! STAND THE FUCK UP! These are the H.B.I.C (Head Bitches In Charge)
11:28 pm: Marion to Kate! I was totally flipping out for La Vie en Rose last year. MARION! KATE!! I am so nervous! And how awesome was Shirley to Anne? Wow. What a speech from a legend. Do you think they wrote these themselves? I do.
11:31 pm: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I’m jumping up and down and screaming! SHE DID IT!!! KATE WINSLET! MY IDOL! Do a Holocaust movie and WIN A MOTHEREFFIN’ OSCAR! (Extras reference…) HUZZAH! HOORAY!! I want to run around the house or set something on fire!
11:36 pm: Wow, what a speech. Kate Winslet, you are a class act. I cannot wait to see your next movie and hear “Academy Award winner Kate Winslet” in the previews. Ok, hands hurt from clapping. Probably just woke up the whole neighborhood.
11:37 pm: Best Actor time…time to come off my Kate Winslet cloud and focus on these great actors on the stage right now.
11:40 pm: Awesome speech Robert Deniro. Sean Penn looked very humbled by it.
11:43 pm: Awwww no Mickey! YOU WUZ ROBBED! I really wanted to hear a Mickey speech. But okay, Sean Penn. Cool. Milk is a great, moving film that everyone should see. Equal rights for everyone.
11:46 pm: Way to make it political Sean Penn. But you knew he was going to do it.
11:48 pm: Best Picture. Bring it home Slumdog. Bring it home.
11:54 pm: SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE! SWEEP! SWEEP! SWEEP! Win #8. I love this cast. I only want movies to star them from now on. Wow.
12:00 pm: Switching over to E! for post awards show coverage. And lookie there, it’s Kate Winslet!
The Oscars are over. Overall, I thought this awards show was really, really good. There was a nice flow to it, not too much uncomfortable-ness except for that whole musical number with Beyonce lip-synching. That didn’t really work. I really like the way that the Best Actor/Actress were nominated. I hope they use that format next year as well. It’s much better then showing clips from the movie. Makes it a little more real. I am beyond excited for Kate Winslet. She is absolutely one of my favorite actresses of all-time. She has the ability to take a role and just completely transform herself into the character. The Reader was no exception. Even if she had been nominated for Revolutionary Road, it would have been deserved. Ok, I’m babbling like a fangirl. Yay to the Oscars. Now I’ve gotta see Vicki Christina Barcelona.
I hope I got a couple people to read this. It was kinda fun to blog along with the Oscars. Maybe I'll do it for something else somewhere down the line.