May 22, 2009 03:34

I think this was quite a challenging course! Exploring the world of literature and Shakespeare, the different era's and periods!
This post is just going to be a reflective piece that talks about what i've learnt and felt this semester.

well to start off.....

the beginning.

I remember waking up one morning after a VERY long.......... break and thinking "oh no, not another semester". Walking back to uni and getting off the bus was a nightmare! However, the moment i walked into the familiar building and sat infront of our very familiar lecturer, i felt at ease. I did actually expect alot from this semester as Shakespeare is one of my fabourite topics. I really enjoyed going over the works of other poets like Sir Walter Raleigh and Marlowe etc. It was really interesting reading through and looking at each of their works, the discussion ecetera....

The assignments, i would have to say were a bit of a turn off for me. Yet, later on i realised how much beneficial they were. Plus we had no exams, that was a bonus! I think i could get used to that! The commonplace books and annotations were new to me or were not something i kept. I think it was the hassle of having to carry it around and write something in it. But the more you wrote it became a habit and if i thought of something i would automatically pull out my book and scribble in it.

Drama was very exciting, i think it was much more challenging than the previous semester's, maybe beacause it was Shakespeare? just looking at my part gave me a headache!!!! Yet, alas the last week and the class performed plays like The Tempest, Henry IV and A Midsummer Nights Dream. Overall i think all the plays were excellent!!!!! I loved it, the costumes, actors props that were used were so colourful and the whole presentation was fantastic. It was very memorable!

Finally, the End.

I think that this semester was one of my favourite subjects and topics overall. Michael was great! and it was an even greater experience with everyones input with discussions which made my learning experience much more enjoyable.

Great work guys!

reply on cheryl's LJ:

HEY! i'm just as happy as you are that this semester is over! i think that this semester was really fast paced, it was over so quickly. Just assignment after assignment... wow i can't believe we made it! Overall, i think we did great and our little drama performance turned out better than we planned..

Good work! See you next semester!
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