I've been sitting down around the house think about what i should write, so much to do and so little time. These past few weeks have been a nightmare, just so many assignments!!!! It's just been one after the other and no "me" time. Therefore now with everything out of the way and the easter break coming up i have a bit of time to myself to sit down, relax and write in my live journal!
Reply to Cheryls livejournal :
http://collard2.livejournal.com/16722.html?thread=8786#t8786 hey!
Hey Cheryl i really like what you did with your creative writing, i had not read Sonnet 30 properly but i got a chance to through your live journal. I really like the connections between the poem and the diary entry! When i read Shakespeares sonnets i feel "wow thats really personal" and reading your creative response made me feel the same way. Felt deeper than it looked! Great Work!