I'm kind of pretty, and pretty damn smart.

Feb 28, 2009 22:41

Watching SNL right now. It's a re-run with Neil Patrick Harris and Taylor Swift. Neil does an amazing job, especially as Mark from Rent.

So I'm giving up saying 'nast' for Lent. Gini's gotten me into the bad, crazy habit of saying it pretty much all time. Eww, Taylor Swift is singing "Tomorrow" from Annie right now. Just threw up in my mouth a little. Anyway. So yeah, I'm gonna not say that anymore. Cause I know I'll get annoyed with it eventually.

Also, I went to the doctor today and found out I have exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (asthma). Yay! So I'm not so excited that I have it, but I am excited that I know what it is so I can finally get some medicine. I think I'm going to get the once-a-day pill for now and switch to an inhaler for college. Pretty riveting stuff, I know.

Last night I went to John's house for his and Jill's surprise party. It was so much fun! We had these little things called groan tubes and they were fun to shake cause they made these annoying noises. I love hanging out with people I don't get to see/hang out with that often, like Eric and PK, since they go to North. PK's gotten so much cooler! He was cool before, but I'm glad that he's still awesome (and really cute!). I also got to hang with Gini, Ashley, and Claire, and this girl named Lisa who I think is in musical but I'm not really sure. She was really cute. Even though everyone watched Saw V at the end of the party and it made me want to throw up, it was still a really fun party. =]

Till next time!

neil patrick harris, nast, lent, surprise party, asthma, snl

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