Apr 10, 2005 16:54
Yesterday was Ava's dedication at church. It's like the baby's "baptismal" for Catholics, except a dedication is more... better. Yes..
It was cute. I got there early while Sheryl was still dressing up Ava. Man, she looked gorgeous on that dress! I could jump like crazy right now. I took a few pictures of her, man she was in a good mood, too. She was in her good mood, so she was smiling like crazy. And Jasmine sings so good, too. Gosh. And I got to hang with Joshuaaaa and Jared again. Hahah.
Well, at the reception, it was pretty fun. Man, our table, all the kids were sitting there. They're rough. It was hard eating with them, but whatever. Later, after me and some other people were all done eating, we all were just chillin' outside. We all wanted to walk to Baskin Robins, since it was just right there. It was Earl's idea, and we all ended up getting something except him. I offered him some of my smoothie but he was probably just hesitating and refused.
The funnest part was with me, Ian, and Earving. Ian and Earving had their stinking awesome digi-cams! I didn't, I just used the camera of one of their's when they were posing for the camera. It was so fun, since I'm so into photography. We took some crazy-cool pix. Oh yes. Earving and his WhatsupILookEmo-kinda poses. Ian and his Ninjaaa-and-stuff-kinda poses. Me and my Cool-gangster-stupid-kinda poses. Mhmm. Just wait 'til I get my digi-cam, I'll be snapping pictures here and there all night long, everywhere I freakin' go, with Earving & Ian! HAHAHAH. Oh forshizzle, that would be great. My dreams when I get older are being a chef, photographer, and maybe --- a graphic designer. Yeah.
Well, I know how much a lot of you hate long entries. So I'll stop. Bye loves.