So, today I did a self portrait in my sketchbook. I enjoy ruining fine artsy stuff with creapy pointless scary shit like this. If I decide to grow up later, I might fill in the eyes. But for now, this is making me happy.
Also, my wacom came in the mail today. It's a 6x8 Intuos 3. It's beautiful, but I can't use it cuz my desktop computer which is the only half decent computer in the house and has photoshop on it, has been messed up for months now, and I dont know how to fix it. I've looked online all over the place for help on how to fix it, but it's all jibberish to me. All the while I thought of myself as being fairly computer savy until now. It's so frustrating to even try that I dont even wanna sit in front of it. I have everything backed up on a hard drive, so I'm trying to wipe the whole thing clean....files, viruses, applications, and ALL. Anyone have any tips they could give me (in kindergarten vocabulary if possible)?