also a few other things:
- if you still read this journal leave me a comment
- I saw caroline this week and it made me sooooo happy <3 even though i was dying when i saw her
- i talked to emily and i realized she knew ropke and it was kool. and i miss her. but summers coming soon so yay
- i havent talked to pete in waayyyyyyy too long, which is wrong bc i was listening to fame and remembering how good he was with me when i was scared to death and how he stood up to miss white :)
- tara left me a comment and it made me happy and i told baba about it
- i want to go on vacation with baba soon SeNiOr TrIp <33
- i havent talked to anyone in a really long time
- i havent heard from any colleges and i probably wont get in
- dee has a bf :) yayayyayayayay and he's a good guy .... or he better be!
- i love jay and his family, they make me feel so good
- i talked to patty the other day about real things and it made me feel alot better - im gonna make it a point to do it more
- i need BDC theater classes again
- me and jay will be going out for 7 months on the 25th ... that tickles me pink.
- i cant wait to do the OLV show again <3
- i cant wait to do the summer shows either
- 4 more months of school
- Kat is over seas
- Mike must be dying *hug*
- i almost got a job in wantagh - which ciuld have been really good or bad depending on whos in wantagh at the time
- im gonna save up for a new digi camera
- matt has a gf i havent met and i want to meet her, he's also doing his band thing, hope its going well? as long as they have a better drummer they should be fine haha
- fl may be no more
- i went to jays school with him and it said "oral park" bc his friend took off the "FL" for their band - forced laughter - and it made me laugh - alot.
- ive been having very vivid dreams lately
- old school needs another reunion soon
k yay for boredom ...
remain inspired ...