Dec 25, 2004 02:14
ive had a waaaayyyy good night.. just got in, evertone was buzzin cos it was xams, and everywhere was plain xmas songssss! im in th e htmood for it now, even thugugh im totally shit faced!! just looked unfer the tree and viive got a shit loads of presents i wasnt ecpecting|!! even had one ont he table saying openm tonight, but i was strong and reissted temptatiopns cos i dont wanna ruin opeing my prestents in teh moring.
eeeeeeeee excigted or what?! :D
hyad a prp[er good night tonight. seen loads of old mates from school and stuff too. seeen on of my bestest mates and showed her mmucho love and we danced away.
i thought xmas was getting boring now im getting older, but what the fuck was i on?! its as good as ever, if not better! lovin in!¬
merry christmas everone!!!!