the following are the words of a classmate after a conflict about the day of silence:
viewer discretion is advised.
today these people were being silent because they supported gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders.. well this one girl (that i hate.. lets just say her name was Betty for instance..) was sitting there being quiet all class period but when we went to lunch "Betty" was talking her ass off.. so then courtneys like im gonna get one so i dont have to talk in Russian! and so "Betty" completely goes off on courtney and "Betty" gets pissed and looks like shes about to cry. but she was telling courtney how fucking pathetic it was and that it wasn't for the purpose of just not talking.. and im thinking wtf u dont talk in class but you're allowed to talk in Lunch? how fucking gay is that shit? it was quite lame if u ask me..
omg u fucking bitch dude i was just making a fucking point because it was stupid as hell. u made a big deal out of a joke. and if i wanted i could get your ass in trouble with the school board because if we can't talk about religion then u sure as hell can't talk about sexual orientation (which u aren't really for obviously cuz when u weren't supposed to talk, U DID) oh yeah and the fact that u threatened us about a month ago. maybe u should leave public school NOW and go back to wherever the hell u came from because around here, people aren't going to put up with shit like u. u are the most ignorant person i have ever talked to. you are a complete jackass to everyone that isn't up to your standards. i hope that maybe one day u will realize that and act more appropriate towards people. dont get all pissed when someone says something about u or what u believe in that u dont like because u say it to people everyday. and dont give me this bullshit about how it only deals with courtney because it deals with all of us cuz we all have the same beliefs and were all talking about the same situation the very same day and courtneys my friend and im going to stick up for her. and u have no friends in douglas county to stick up for u so u wouldn't know i guess and im sure u dont stick up for your friends. because you're ignorant. you're not trying to be mean i know, but you're just plain rude. so fuck you, stop contridicting yourself, stop being a complete ignorant person, and have a nice day.
oh, how I love my 'peers'
please note that the ignorance is from them, and I am a 'jackass' because I have limited bullshit tolerance.