Jan 03, 2007 18:58
B- BIRTHDAY:: June 8th 1988
C- CURRENT CRUSH:: who knows
D- FAVORITE N0N ACH. DRINK:: sprite and powerade mixed
F- FAVORITE FOOD:: i think, it might be fettichinie
G- GO TO FOR ADVICE:: lydia lacey benson
I- I THINK ABOUT:: everything sometimes
J- CURRENT JOB:: turnin tricks
K- ANY KIDS:: maybe...
L- I LOVE:: everyone sometimes
M- FAVORITE MOVIE: youve got mail
M-OTHERWISE KNOWN AS:: davids sister, moody, little moody
P- FAVORITE PERFUME/COLOGNE:: avon hello pretty
R- LAST ROAD TRIP:: warped tour
S- DO YOU SMOKE:: sigh...on and off
V- LAST TIME YOU WERE IN VEGAS:: never ever ever
X- X-RAYS TAKEN:: my spiiiiine
Y- YOUR SCREENNAME:: cecilia1c
Z- ZODIAC SIGN:: gemini
1. Gum:: JUICY FRUIT!!
2. Restaurant:: any thing italian
3. Drink:: sprite and powerade
4. Season: spring and winter
5. Type of weather:: cold and sunny
8. Late-night activity:: um it DUH
9. Sport:: um NONE
10. Movie:: youve got mail
11. Store:: el zoloko and oldnavy
______When was the last time you_______
12. Cried:: last night
13. Played a sport:: 8th grade when i played soccer
14. Laughed:: 2 seconds ago
15. Kissed someone:: morning of december 31st
16. Had sex:: same
17. Felt depressed:: last night
18. Felt overworked:: everyday
19. Faked sick:: never
___What was the last___
21. Word(s) you said:: i have preminishins of my fathers death...973973973973 those numbers
22. Thing you ate:: McChicken
23. Song you listened to:: senses fail - calling all cars
24. Last thing you drank:: powerade
25. Place you went to:: IM AT BENSONS!!
26. Movie you saw:: little miss sunshine
27. Movie you rented:: thirteen
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. Hugged:: lacey
29. Cried over:: kurtis
30. Instant messaged:: steven
31. Danced with:: lacey and steven in the jack in thebox drive through
32. Shared a secret with:: BENSON
33. Slept in a bed with:: kurtis
34. Fought with:: kurtis
35. Went to a movie with:: kurtis
36. Saw:: BENSON
37. Were angry with:: kurtis
38. Couldn't take your eyes off:: kurtis
_______Have you ever_______
39.: what??
40. Danced in the rain:: YES!!!
41. Kissed someone:: never
42. Done drugs:: never
45. Had a movie marathon:: every friday night for like 3 months straight
46. Gone too far on a dare:: i never chose dare
47. Spun around till you got dizzy:: ALWAYS!
_______My life_______
48. Name:: Cecilia!
49. Age:: 17
50. Gender:: im a girl
51. Gay:: not that i know
52. Nationality:: um, im white
53. Religion:: i respect peices of each one
54. State or province you live in: Washington
55. I'm feeling:: happy
56. I'm listening to: benson watch donnie darko
57. I'm doing:: this survey??
58. I'm talking to:: benson and steven
59. I'm craving:: love
60. I'm hating:: lust
61. I'm dreading:: going home
62. Love is:: something you cant put into words
63. My first love:: i dunno yet
64. Love or lust:: lust
65. Best love song:: saves the day - an afternoon laughing
66. Best love quote:: OH GOd, you all know it comes from youve got mail
67. Possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: aboslutly
68. When does love hurt:: love never hurts
69. Are you in love:: no
_______Opposite sex_______
70. Turn ons:: smile, intelligance, eyes, and hands
71. Turn offs:: stupidity, talking about parting with their friends, and bad hair
72. Do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: totally
73. What hairstyle are you into:: i like it a little messy, long enough to run my fingers threw but short enough so that they dont look stupid
74. What is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?:: make me smile just by looking in my eyes
75. Where do you go to meet new people?:: HIGH VOLTAGE RECORDS
76. Are you the type of person to give and ask for numbers?: um, not really
_____Picky Picky_______
77. Dog or cat:: aww i love kitties more then anything in the world.
78. Short or long hair:: hmm, on a cat??
79. Sunshine or rain:: a good mixture
80. Hugs or kisses:: kisses
81. Xbox or ps2:: neither
83. Cars or motorcycles:: cars
84. Coke or Pepsi:: eww. neither
85. House party or club:: house for sure
86. Sing or dance:: sing
87. Freak or slow dance:: neither thank you
88. How are you today?: im doing alright
89.What pants are you wearing right now'?:: the blue kind
90. What shirt are you wearing right now?:: my cuddly red sweater
91. What does your hair look like at the moment:: um awsome duh
92. What song are you listening to right now?:: nonesos
93. How is the weather right now?:: rain
94. Who are you talking to on the phone?:: no one
95. Last dream you can remember?:: oh god. its really very pathetic
96. Clothes:: anyhting cute and makes my tush look nice
97. Hair:: its gonna be lONG and wavy and brown
98. Shoes:: sambas
99. Sweater or Hoodie:: sweater thank you
In 2006 I have...
{ } broke a promise
{x} made a new best friend
{x} realized that it's true, people do change
{ } found love
{ } fell in love
{x} fell out of love
{x} did something you swore never to do
{x} lied
{ } stole
{ } went behind your parents back
{x} cried over a broken heart
{x} dissapointed someone close
{x} lost someone you loved
{x} hid a secret
{x} pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{x} kissed in the rain
{ } slept under the stars
{x} had a summer romance
{ } cheated on someone
{ } kept your new years resolution
{x} forgot your new years resolution
{x} met someone who changed your life
{ } met one of your idols
{x} changed your outlook on life
{x} sat home all day doing nothing
{ } pretended to be sick
{ } left the country
{ } almost died
{ } wanted to die
{x} gave up on someone important to you
{x} lost something expensive
{x} learned something new about yourself
{ }tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
{x} made a change in your life
{x} found out who your true friends are
{x} made a total fool of yourself
{x} met great people
{x} met someone you wanna get to know
{x} met someone you can't stand