you're so beautiful i guess this is what i get

Oct 24, 2004 16:04

I miss you less, with each day your gone'>
- The Basics -

> 1) Single or Taken: single
> 2) Height: hmm
> 3) Sign: cancer
> 4) Siblings: three
> 5) Hair color: dark brown.. soon to be dyed by karli
> 6) Eye color: dark brown

- R e l a t i o n s h i p s -

> 1) Who are your best friends: ah i have a lot of really good friends.. maybe like 3 best friends.. they know who they are.
> 2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no, not really
> 3) Did you send this to your crush: nope
> 4) Did your crush send this to you?: nope
> 5) Who are you with now? about to go see a movie with lisa.. ?
> 6) Why are you with them? to see a movie

- T h e E x t r a S t u f f -

> 1) Do you do drugs alot: no
> 2) What kind of shampoo do you use: i prefer aveda, bitch.
> 3) What kind of conditioner do you use: my little sisters orange one
> 4) What are you most scared of: death and humiliation
> 5) What are you listening to right now?: let it enfold you
> 6) What car do you wish to have: im not sure yet
> 7) Who is the last person that called you: emily g
> 8) Where do you want to get married: umm in a pretty place..?
> 9) How many messenger buddies do you have? 200
x. My Father thinks I am: "gotik"
x. My mother thinks I am: no longer perfect jordy. :-/
x. My sisters think i am: perfect. thanks danielle
x. My brother thinks I am: stupid poser whore
x. My grandma thinks I am: beautiful
x. Three things you are often complimented for: eyes..? smile. uhh clothes? i dont know
x. A compliment you got that made you blush: when he said i was beautiful
x. makes you happie: not being lonely
x. people you hate: hypocrits

- L a s t . . . -

x. Movie you rented: the virgin suicides and eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
x. Movie you bought: i dont buy movies
x. Song you listened to: besides the one im listening to now.. i listened to the greatest fall of all time
x. Song you've downloaded: wasted by greatness in tragedy
x. CD you bought: dashboard confession.. uh yep.
x. CD you listened to: my burnt one
x. TV show you've watched: hmm its been a few days.. i guess office space.. but thats a movie not a show
x. Person you were thinking of: him

- D o . . . -
x. You wish you could live somewhere else: sometimes
x. Others find you attractive: i dont know
x. You want more piercings: yeah
x. You smoke: smoke kind of makes me naucious
x. You like cleaning: no
x. You write in cursive or print: print
x. You carry a donor card: no
x. You have a crush on somebody: yes i have a few crushes

- H a v e Y o u . . . -

x. Ever cried over a boy/girl: gosh golly yes
x. Ever lied to someone: probably
x. Ever been arrested: no

- W h a t . . . -
x. Shampoo do you use: didnt you already ask this??
x. Shoes do you wear: my drawing invested converse or my flip flops
x. Are you scared of: ah so many of the same questions

- N u m b e r . . . -
x. Of times you have been in love: twice. i think maybe
x. Of times you have had ur heart broken: twice
x. Of hearts you have broken: two
x. Of people you consider you're enemies: none
x. Of CDs' that you own: a lot more then i used to have
x. Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: hm a few..?

- W i t h T h e O p p o s i t e S e x . . . -

x. What do you notice first: hair, smile, eyes
x. Last person you danced with: i dont even remember

- W h o . . . -
x. Makes you laugh the most: everyone makes me laugh.. i guess hailey laughs the most at my jokes and i laugh at hers
x. Makes you smile: lisa makes me laugh and smile
x. Do you have a crush on: everyone knows

- C r u s h I n g P R E F E R A N C E S . . . -

x. Tall or Short: TALL
x. Fat or Thin: thin rather then fat
x. Muscular or No Muscles: in between
x. Hair Color: dark
x. Hair Style: longish
x. Smart, Average or Stupid: smart
x. Sexy or Cute: cute
x. Gentle or rough: gentle
x. Touchy Feely or Keeps Distance: touchy feely
x. Calm or Wild: wild
x. Good Boy or Bad Boy: maybe bad boy but actually is good.. hah

- D A T i N G i N T H E P A S T -

x. Name everyone you have ever dated: brent, jared, chris, micheal, sam, shay, daniel, travis, ben.. thats all i remember that i acutally dated.
x. Who were you with the longest: the person i actaully dated the longest was travis. but i liked ben or was with him almost as long
x. How long: i dated travis for .... 6 months? i was in love with him for almost two years though
x. Who were you with the shortest: daniel maybe?
x. How short: i dont even remember
x. Reason you broke up with all of these guys: jared, chris, micheal, sam, shay, daniel and me broke up for reasons i dont remember. But. I broke up with travis i guess because of ben.. he says. and me and ben broke up because he cheated on me
x. Who was the hottest: ben or travis
x. Who was the stupidest: haha micheal... but hes aewsome now!
x. Who was the meanest: jared
x. Who was the last boyfriend you had: ben
x. Who was your first crush: shay
x. Who was your biggest crush: when i met ben i had the most hugest crush on him
x. Who did you like but they didnt like you: hmmm.. i dont know but i bet a lot of guys

- H A V E Y O U E V E R ? -

x. Held Hands: yes
x. Hugged: yes
x. Kissed: yes
x. Frenched: yes
x. Had Sex: no
x. Done any of the above with yourself: haha oh yes i hold my hand alllll the time.

- D E E P T H O U G H T S -

x. Have you ever been cheated on: yes, just one guy though.
Details: ben cheated on me a lot
x. Have you ever cheated on someone: no
Details: i would never cheat on someone i was dating
x. Have you ever thought of being a lesbian: heh
x. Are you one? no
x. Are you lonely? just a little
x. Do you ever dwell over guys that you don't like anymore? im sure i do
x. Do you have an STD?
x. Do you have a repuation? i hope not
x. Did you ever have a song with anyone? yesssss
x. Who and what was the song? hmm.. me and bens song? it was toxic by britney spears. but a lot of songs reminded me of him
x. Have you ever stolen anyone's boyfriend? i dont think so.. all i remember is when nina and i dated daniel in the same day
x. Is your love life so utterly boring and unfulfilled that you think you are going insane? haha no its just not great right now
x. Do you have bad luck with guys: yeah.but now i dont care anymore
x. Do you get jealous easily: haha .. me? jealous? of her? NO WAY!
x. Who are you in the "friend zone" with that you want to get out of it: someone
x. Do you want to get out of the "friend zone" to date them or just because you hate them: date him
x. Are you goody goody or naughty naughty: a goody naughty
x. Love or lust and why: love
x. Have you ever had your heart broken to the point of break down?: yes
x. Are you desperate: nope
x. Do you want to get married: of course
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