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Jan 01, 2006 21:21

some shores don’t have Lighthouses. even small fIshing towns that depend on the trust oF the sea. if you go out too far, you are told to follow the stars homE. humans have always found ways to make lIfe eaSier. some things take years oF trial and error, and others happen over night. even over empty starless nights, when you have for sUre lost alL hopes of finding the shore, the shore with no Lighthouse. yOu are finding yourself in the Fog of the night because you had high hopes of escaPing the cOmpany of others. the banging of certain piano keyS, all cut up and without melody, lead you back. your heart calmS down, as the music comes more tight and flows together, It’s your young, Beloved daughter that makes sure to practIce every day. today she waited untiL night. the notes thIs man heard through to fog would help small Towns without light houses and other boats for the rest of our exIstence. you see, some spEcific tones can penetrate through fog, and this iS how the fog horn was invented.
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